spring 2023 election candidates


Executive Cabinet Candidates

Student Body President

julia hatoum

About Kasiyah

Kasiyah Tatem (she/her/hers) is a Junior, Political Science Major with a concentration in Law, Politics, and Theory as well as a legal studies minor. Kasiyah has served as an active leader for student representation on campus during her 2020-2021 term as Vice President of University Affairs for the Student Government Association. She has served on several University administrative task forces and subcommittees, she has written student legislation regarding mental health policy, virtual learning policy, alternative testing policy, course evaluations, and she led the team that brought the FIRST Student Body Town Hall in partnership with UD administrators. Kasiyah continues to be an advocate for underrepresented students through her work as President of Sisters On The Move, as a College of Arts and Sciences Student Advisory Council member, and so much more!

Votes Received


Executive Vice President

john cohill

About John

John Cohill is a Junior Public Policy Major and Business Administration Minor from Wilmington, Delaware. John currently serves as the Executive Vice President of the Student Government Association. In SGA, John has previously served as a Student Affairs Senator and a Faculty Affairs Senator. John has a true passion for leadership and service to others. His goals for next year include improving inclusiveness within the Blue Hen community, transparency between the administration and students, and ensuring the overall success and wellbeing of each and every student.

Votes Received


Vice President of University Affairs

tori glover

About Tori

My name is Tori Glover and I am a Sophomore, majoring in Medical Diagnostics with minors in Biology and Health Humanities. I am running to be your VP of University Affairs because I want to bridge the gap between professors and students, make the campus a safe place to return to this fall 2021 and work with my fellow peers on any academic issues they need to be resolved. I currently serve as the Academic Affairs Senator for the College of Health Sciences and in my Freshman year I served as a Student Affairs Senator. I am immensely involved on campus, holding a position as the NSCS VP of Social Media, a STAR Ambassador, a peer mentor, and the President of the Health Professions Council! I am a determined, passionate, and dedicated Blue Hen who is ready to use my skills to serve as your VP of University Affairs 2021-2022!

Votes Received


Vice President of External Affairs


About Caroline

Caroline Klinger is a junior sociology major with a minor in political science from Newark, Delaware. Caroline has previously served as a Public Relations Senator, and is seeking re-election to her current position as Vice President of External Affairs. She is passionate about social justice issues and mental health advocacy, and is hopeful to continue to use her platform on cabinet to help make UD a better place. Outside of SGA, Caroline is a member of Pi Beta Phi and works for the Electrical and Computer Engineering department.

Votes Received



About Julia

Hi! I’m a chemical engineering major in the honors program, an Access:Ability scholar, a strain chemistry researcher, and a dedicated member of your Student Government! Serving as a Student Affairs Senator, I’ve helped pass proposals regarding accessibility, safety, and mental health, and as VP of external affairs hope to focus on transparency, communication, and connectivity! My primary goal is to promote student engagement and involvement, allowing the student body to be the main catalyst for change on campus. I would be so grateful for the opportunity to help foster a greater understanding and transparency between the student body and SGA!

Votes Received


Chief Justice


About Brenden

Brenden Swanik is a second-year Honors Biomedical Engineering student from Moorestown, NJ. Currently, he is involved in greek life, undergraduate research and was formally the College of Engineering Academic Affairs Senator. UD is on the frontier of innovation both in culture and technology and he wouldn’t want anything more than to contribute to that cause. Throughout Brenden’s time at UD, besides learning of its unlimited ability to expose students to new cultures, schools of thought, and communities, this university has sparked a passion for innovation and inclusion. He hopes to lead the Judicial Branch of the Student Government Association with the same drive and commitment as his previous positions. Brenden loves working with others, is always listening, and is striving to achieve a timeless and priceless college experience in which all of you deserve!

Votes Received



About Kristie

I started SGA as the CEOE Senator, then last year I passed SGA legislation for a new position and was appointed to Sustainability Senator after seeing a need for sustainability leadership. I have represented undergraduates on the Sustainability Council for a year now and I am hoping to run for Chief Justice to bring that voice to SGA Cabinet, to improve SGA’s relationship with the City of Newark, to uphold SGA’s constitution, and to train a new Sustainability Senator. In the past two years I have ran environmental events, worked to connect student groups on campus, and created education reform.

Votes Received



About Kyle

My name is Kyle Jenkins, I am a Sophomore Political Science and Sociology double major with a minor in Spanish. I am also a World Scholar and enjoy traveling. Currently, I serve as a Judicial Affairs Senator, and I am running to be your next Chief Justice for the University of Delaware. As Chief Justice, I would like to continue the growth of the Student Government Association that past administrations have started. I will work to improve all aspects of campus life such as: diversity and inclusion, transparency among students and University officials as a whole, and fostering collaborative environments.

Votes Received


Academic Affairs Senator Candidates

Academic Affairs candidates were eligible to receive votes from students within the college of the position for which they were running. 


College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

About Dervla

I am Dervla Doherty, an honors junior Pre-veterinary and Agriculture and Natural Resources major with a minor in Wildlife Conservation and Ecology. I have loved serving as the Academic Affairs Senator for the past 2 years and I look forward to continuing my projects to connect the students of CANR to our peers and improve our experiences here at the University of Delaware.

Votes Received



College of Arts and Sciences

About Talley

Talley Ridgeway is a rising senior with a major in political science and a minor in legal studies. In her time at the University of Delaware she has served as the Academic Affairs Senator for the College of Arts and Sciences and sat on the Police Advisory Council (PAC), to encourage reform and equity within the university. In this upcoming year, Talley wishes to focus on how to better the communication within the College of Arts and Sciences and bolster the relationship between UDPD, Newark PD, and UD students.

Votes Received



Lerner College

About James

My name is Jamie Kassiotis, and I’m running to once again be your Academic Affairs Senator for the Lerner College for the 2021-2022 academic year. I’m a junior double major in MIS and operations management with a minor in business analytics from just north of Boston, MA. On campus I’m involved in greek life and blue hen ambassadors, while also representing Lerner in SGA. This year I’ve worked with my branch to craft proposals to create transparency amongst the administration regarding COVID-19, and make sure Lerner’s voice is heard regarding issues on campus. I would value and appreciate your vote!

Votes Received



College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment

About Paige

Paige is a sophomore from PA, majoring in Environmental Science with a public policy minor. Previously, she served as a Student Affairs Senator, Academic Affairs Senator and was a student representative for the Undergrad Student Affairs Committee. Paige has been involved in campus improvements and has been an influential voice in decisions and policies regarding undergraduate student academics and an advocate for students in the residence halls. All her previous leadership roles have given her the experience to be able to speak up, act, and make a change. Paige’s main goal is to ensure sure that every student in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment is heard and represented.


Votes Received



College of Human Development and Education

About Oyku

I am here to advocate for the student wants and needs. It is my goal to represent each of your thoughts and opinions to the best of my ability. I will act as a liaison between the student body and the faculty. As the current residing senator, I hope to continue serving you all for the coming year to make adequate changes on campus.

Votes Received



College of Engineering

About Prasanna

Prasanna is an engineering student and former Student Affairs Senator running to be your next Engineering Academic Affairs Senator. He hopes to apply his previous student government experience—from passing new resolutions for all undergraduates to leading his high school chapter as President—toward better representing all Engineering students. By keeping open lines of communication with all Hengineers (through surveys and an open ear), Prasanna won’t hesitate to advocate for student concerns to university leadership. He seeks to improve the quality and fairness of in-person/virtual Engineering classes, strengthen extracurricular and career initiatives, and increase resource accessibility throughout the department.

Votes Received