Delaware Computer Science Education Summit
An increasing number of Delaware high schools offer computer science courses. Still, there’s more work to be done to ensure that every child in the First State has the opportunity to learn computing skills that are essential for success in our modern economy. That’s...
Summer Professional Development Course
K-12 Teachers who want to improve technical Computer Science skills, learn good CS pedagogy, or are planning to teach the new CS AP Course are invited to explore the 2019 Summer PD Course. There will be many different sessions to choose from, as well as a track for...
DE CS Education Summit
On March 28, 2019, Partner4CS and the Delaware Department of Education will jointly host a Summit for Computer Science Education at the University of Delaware campus in Newark, Delaware. The summit is supported by the National Science Foundation and the Delaware...

Delaware Represented at CSforALL Summit & ECEP Meeting in October
Partner4CS PI, Lori Pollock, and Yanaka Bernal, President of Delaware Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Chapter represented the state of Delaware at the 2018 CSforALL Summit and Expanding Computing Education Pathways (ECEP) Alliance Leveling Up State...

Partner4CS Project Investigator Lori Pollock Interviewed on WVUD
Campus Voices welcomed back University of Delaware Professor Lori Pollock this week. Pollock was featured on the show in 2012, and joined us again to discuss computer sciences. Richard Gordon and Lori Pollock talk about the advancements in computers since her last...

Closing the Gap in Computer Science
How can we encourage young women and students from under-represented backgrounds to consider careers in computer science (CS), a field still struggling to expand its diversity? Since 2012, University of Delaware’s Partner4CS project has answered this question in part...

CISC 357 Field Experiences in Teaching Computing (Fall 2017)
The CISC 357 Field Experiences in Teaching Computing provides learning opportunities to CIS, STEM education and educational technology undergrads to collaborate with classroom teachers and after-school program coordinators to design and implement computational...
Delaware Governor signs bill to require high schools to teach CS
House Bill 15 Signed into law in fall 2017.

2017 Summer Teacher Professional Development Highlights
A total of 50 Delaware teachers across different school districts attended the Partner4CS Summer Teacher Professional Development (“PD”) from June 19 – 23, 2017. These teacher participants came from various school departments, including Computer Science, Mathematics,...

2017 Summer Workshop Schedule
For the participants that are registered for the 2017 Summer Workshop, a daily schedule is available publicly on Google Drive. Please note that is schedule may be subject to change as the week progresses. A schedule is available for participants in Track A, Track B,...