2016 Summer Workshop

Computer Science Principles Teacher Preparation

Partner4CS is partnering with the MobileCSP creators. Each CSP participant is expected to participate in June 20-23 face-to-face PD at the Virden center, complete 2 weeks of online training with the Mobile CSP providers, and July 18-20 face-to-face PD on the Newark campus of University of Delaware. Successful completion of MobileCSP PD will enable you to teach the CSP AP course in Delaware.

Share, Reflect and Discuss

The Computer Science Teacher’s Association (CSTA) Standards, mapping to the Common CORE standards, assessing student programming projects, recruiting for diversity in computing, making CS accessible to broad audiences

Integrating Computer Science Into Your Curriculum

Institute participants will design and practice educational activities for introducing computational thinking in their curriculum both with and without computers. Participants will also have the choice of receiving curriculum materials and follow-up classroom support in the upcoming academic year (2016-2017). This training is for teachers in grades 6-12.

Model Proven Successful CS Pedagogy

Inquiry learning, CS Unplugged activities, directed Scratch lessons that work in a diverse classroom, Pair programming model, open-ended Scratch projects, interactive Scratch projects, board games to teach CS, AppInventor mobile app projects.