Week 9 – Free week!


  • Face-to-face and online: The class will meet this week, and activities to do on your own are also on deck.
  • Synchronous and asynchronous: Live conversations will occur during class time, and everything else will be on your own time.

Is this free as a puppy, or free as a beer?


This week, I’m giving you a break. You’ve all been very active since the beginning of the semester, and you need time to take a breath.

Learning objectives

  • “Live” what it means to pick a topic to blog about by yourself. 😉

Action items

1. Choose what your tool exploration project will be about. The tool exploration project is described in the syllabus, but, in a nutshell, it’s more of a technical demonstration of how a tool works using at least a screencast, and that has a web presence that is not simply Powerpoint. Submit your idea on this spreadsheet. The deadline for submitting the tool exploration project will be November 12 at 8:00 p.m., EDT.

2. Explore what your final project will be about, and find colleagues to execute it, as appropriate (groups of one to four will be accepted). Your final project should be something that you can use to convince someone of the usefulness of a certain tool or practice related to the use of web or mobile technology for teaching and learning. Submit your idea on this spreadsheet.

3. Choose an open loop (an unanswered question, something you didn’t get the chance to explore or complete) or something you want to talk about related to your profession, and write an engaging blog post about it. Do this as if you were blogging for yourself, if you didn’t even have to do this for class at all. I suggest you go back to blog posts from colleagues or post you found interesting outside of our class boundaries, and examine what made them good posts, and come up with a recipe that will work for you.

Think format (how long,  images, links, headers, prompts for the audience?) and content (is this a topic I would like others to associate me with, is the content fresh and interesting?).

4. Submit the URL of your blog post to the assignment titled Week 9: Blog post on Canvas. The submission is due by 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 27, EDT, and will be graded as a part of the weekly projects.

5. Check the course’s class feed for other posts by colleagues, and comment on their posts. You should at least read and comment on two or three posts, but you’re welcome to visit as many as you want. As a part of the online participation grade, you should also contribute and discuss on the different social media outlets, such as Diigo, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest.

More to explore

Check our Diigo group and check for related tags.

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