Category Archives: Meeting materials

The multiple facets of openness in #udsnf12 – #openeducationwk preso

This post is the gateway to my presentation about #udsnf12 during Open Education Week.

The webinar will was hosted on Google Hangouts, through the Open Education Week G+ profile.



The course gateway

Links and references

Short URL to this page

December 3 class meeting


Goodbye, #udsnf12

Hey, anyone noticed this is our last class meeting, like, ever?

We’ll have plenty of VIPs coming in and out of the Hangout, so if you could come to class, that would be awesome.

If the Hangout is full, see the G+ live stream or the UD Capture live stream. Please use this Google Doc as a backchannel for questions and comments.

It’s not quite over yet. We still have a bunch of presentation on deck, and I’d like to keep them shorter to be able to get them all in in our class time. Here is a tentative schedule of final projects. (We might have to extend until 9 p.m. to make sure we close all the open loops.)

[5:30 p.m.] Intro and class roles. (Archivists’ document here)

[5:40] Bill

[6:00] Mu and Ethan

[6:20] Janice and Esley

[6:40] Sam

[7:00] Kaitlin

[7:20] Mac

[7:40] Michael D. and Alex

[7:40] Kristin

[8:00] Closing ceremonies

Please share the URL of your project as a comment to this post if you haven’t done so yet.

November 26 class meeting

For this week’s meeting, we’ll follow this agenda:

1. [5:30 p.m.] Setup and class roles. Rest of the class will be focused on presentation of final projects.

2. [5:35] Tina’s presentation.

3. [6:00] Guest speaker: Kristen Swanson.

4. [6:50] Michael R., Steven, and Stacy’s presentation.

5. [7:15] Amy’s presentation.

6. [7:40] Tammi and Meg’s presentation.

7. [8:05]  Jann and Micheal F.’s presentation.

Someone remind Mathieu to start the Hangout’s recording and to talk about the tool exploration projects’ voting process on Pinterest.

Archivist’s document for November 26, 2012.

P.S.: Presenters are encouraged to share the URL of their final projects as comments to this post.

Slides for tonight’s class

Below are the slides for tonight’s class:

As a reminder, I will invite participants to a Google Hangout, and the live stream (starting at 5:30 p.m. EDT) can also be viewed at as a backup strategy.

Don’t forget to use the #udsnf12 hashtag on G+ or Twitter if you have questions, reactions, or comments.

I also created a public Google Doc to capture live notes.