In order to allow for an hybrid format, you will be asked to respect the pace of the course during the whole semester. Each one of these “modules” should take between 3 to 9 hours to complete (depending on the workload of that specific week), including the time used for face-to-face meetings, online synchronous activities, consultation of online videos or readings, and activities and projects.
Specific deadlines are addressed in the course’s Google Calendar. The sequence and activities included in the course is subject to change.
- Week 1 – Introduction
- Week 2 – Your first digital footprint
- Week 3 – Online pitfalls and personal productivity
- Week 4 – Information flow and dashboards
- Week 5 – From dashboard to PLE
- Week 6 – The brand called “you”
- Week 7 – DIY Learning
- Week 8 – LMS, Edupunk, and the Open Learning Network
- Week 9 – Free week!
- Week 10 – Copyright and fair use in the digital age
- Week 11 – Digital storytelling
- Weeks 12, 13 – Pick your own topics
- Weeks 14, 15 – Final projects