November 26 class meeting

For this week’s meeting, we’ll follow this agenda:

1. [5:30 p.m.] Setup and class roles. Rest of the class will be focused on presentation of final projects.

2. [5:35] Tina’s presentation.

3. [6:00] Guest speaker: Kristen Swanson.

4. [6:50] Michael R., Steven, and Stacy’s presentation.

5. [7:15] Amy’s presentation.

6. [7:40] Tammi and Meg’s presentation.

7. [8:05]  Jann and Micheal F.’s presentation.

Someone remind Mathieu to start the Hangout’s recording and to talk about the tool exploration projects’ voting process on Pinterest.

Archivist’s document for November 26, 2012.

P.S.: Presenters are encouraged to share the URL of their final projects as comments to this post.

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