Monthly Archives: September 2012

Week 4: Oh goody! More services to try out!

I just completed your task list for Week 4. You’ll notice that there isn’t a lot of content; this week is about understanding how to create information flows and dashboards.

If for any given item you already have a strategy for (if you already use the tool), you’re welcome to push the envelope a bit more, and try a competing service of your choice. As usual, let me know if you have any question.


Week 3 is ready!

I just completed Week 3, following where the discussion was going in class, so you’re invited to get started right away.

By the end of the week, I will provide more information on the following items:

  • Voting process for pages
  • Tool exploration project
  • Process to sign-up/assign class roles

I really enjoyed our first class together, hope you did too!

As usual, let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Slides for tonight’s class

Below are the slides for tonight’s class:

As a reminder, I will invite participants to a Google Hangout, and the live stream (starting at 5:30 p.m. EDT) can also be viewed at as a backup strategy.

Don’t forget to use the #udsnf12 hashtag on G+ or Twitter if you have questions, reactions, or comments.

I also created a public Google Doc to capture live notes.

To do this weekend…

Now that our deadline has come and gone for week 2, (almost) everyone should have an landing page and a blog. I kept adding links to those page and blogs on the Participants page, and you can see new posts on the Class feed page.

So what I expect of you before our first class meeting is to mingle. You should visit other people’s landing pages and blogs, find similarities and interesting expectations, and comment on one another’s posts. You should also make sure you follow the Google+ page and request access to the Diigo group (all the social media services are listed on the Social presence page).

By the time you all come to class, you should all have a pretty good idea of who’s in there, and have identified a couple of people you might consider tagging along with for your final project.