Want to make your voice heard? Here’s how you can get involved in the GSG.
Becoming a Member-at-Large
All University of Delaware graduate students are eligible to serve on GSG committees as “members-at-large.” Members-at-large work with GSG Senators on committees dedicated to a variety of different purposes, from hosting community-building social events to advocating on behalf of graduate students around specific issues.
Becoming a member-at-large is a great way to begin making a positive change at the university and gain experience in academic service. Responsibilities of members-at-large including attending the monthly meetings of their committee and helping to assist with committee work. Any student may become a member-at-large by notifying the Vice President of Membership (Amir Meydani, meydani@udel.edu) of the student’s desire to serve. Learn more about committees and what they do here.
Becoming a Senator
Senators are graduate students who are elected annually to serve representatives of their department/academic plan. Senators draft the legislation that becomes senate resolutions, facilitate communication between the GSG and the departments they represent, plan social activities and other events designed to serve the graduate community, and represent the interests of graduate students on other non-GSG university committees (like the Faculty Senate). Senator responsibilities include serving on at least one GSG committee (which meet on a monthly basis), updating graduate students in the senator’s department on GSG activities, and attending monthly GSG public meetings.
Senators are elected each year in departmental elections coordinated by the Executive Council. Each February, graduate students receive an email notification announcing that Senate nominations are open. Following the nomination deadline, elections are held in March. Department polls open the first week of March and remain open for one week. All graduate students in their respective departments are eligible to vote in these elections, and results are announced following the closure of the polls. To learn more about senator responsibilities or the elections process, please contact the Vice President of Membership (Amir Meydani, meydani@udel.edu).
Becoming an Executive Council Member
Members of the Executive Council are responsible for coordinating the activities of the GSG by planning monthly public meetings, managing committees, and implementing the legislation passed by the Senate. The Executive Council consists of seven officers, each with a distinct responsibility: President, Vice President of Internal Affairs, Vice President of Student Affairs, Vice President of Membership, Secretary, Outreach and Engagement Officer, and Parliamentarian. Detailed descriptions of the responsibilities of each position can be found in Article II, Section 2 of the GSG By-Laws. You can also learn more about the responsibilities and requirements of each position by speaking with the current GSG Executive Council at the annual Officer Interest Meeting.
Executive Council Members are elected by the Senate each March. To be eligible to run for election to an officer position, a prospective officer must first be nominated (self-nominations are accepted). To accept a nomination, the nominee must submit a candidate statement (250 words maximum) and photograph to the Vice President of Membership. Nominees have until one week following the nomination deadline to either accept or decline the nomination. After the deadline for accepting nominations has passed, the candidates for officer positions address the Senate at the Special Elections Meeting. The polls will open following the Special Elections Meeting, and remain open for one week. To learn more about the Executive Council or to ask questions about the elections process, please contact the Vice President of Membership (Amir Meydani, meydani@udel.edu).