Catching Everyone Up on Upcoming Events in F&V

Hi, folks.  There are several things that are coming up that I want to call to your attention.

First is Election Day which is Tuesday, November 6th (next week).  I hope you will all vote!  At any rate, this is a reminder that the library is open that day and so are we, even though there are no classes.  We will be open our usual hours from 8am-9pm.  If you normally work on Tuesdays, I will expect to see your smiling face (unless you have arranged for a sub).

Second, we have had a great response rate to our survey.  Let’s keep that up by asking patrons who come to the desk if they have taken the survey, if not, ask them if they have 10 minutes to take it on the IPad we have at the desk. If they don’t have time, be sure to give them a postcard that has the information on it for them to fill out the online survey from home.  We are counting on those at the desk to spread the word to our regular users!  The survey will run through 11/15.

Third, Thanksgiving break is coming up! I know classes end on 11/16 but the library is open from 1-5 on Saturday, 11/17 and Sunday, 11/18.  We will need students to work those days as well as Monday, 11/19 through Wednesday, 11/21 from 10am to 5 pm (doesn’t have to be the whole shift).  Those of you who work Saturdays and Sundays can post a sub request if you will not be here.  Those of you who live local, please help out by covering the requests. We are closed Wednesday-Saturday and reopen on Sunday 11/25 at 1pm.

Last but not least, exams are coming up soon after Thanksgiving and I just want to remind you all that our desk schedule goes to the end of exams (December 15th) and you are expected to work your regular hours until then unless you make alternate arrangements (ie. subs).

Well, I could look for memes all day but I guess I’d better finish this.  As always, if you have any questions, you know where to find staff who can help you – in the office!