Welcome Back! Spring Semester Begins…

I hope you all had a nice January, wherever you were!  It sure was quiet around here.  As we begin Spring Semester 2018, I wanted to reiterate several policies, just to freshen your memories.  As always, if you have any questions, please see staff!

If you are sick and can’t come into work, call and talk to staff as early as you can.  Voicemail and Email are not acceptable since the message may not be received in time.  I’m here at 7:30 am and Kathy is here until 9pm most days.  If it’s a weekend, you can call or text staff at home instead of waiting until 30 minutes before you are supposed to be here.  Contact information is on our student assistant website.

Substitute requests: remember that your shift is still your responsibility until someone else takes it.  Just posting it does not cover it.  If no one has taken it by the day before the needed sub, start calling your fellow student assistants.  If you have called everyone and no one can work, talk to staff.  Please work someone’s sub request if at all possible.  You may need a sub for yourself someday!  If anyone needs a refresher on how to access the staff intranet to post or take subs, let staff know.  The biggest thing is that you have to make a pop-up blocker exception for that website.

Remember that we have a student website that has the schedule, the phone/contact list (students and staff), and lots of other useful information on it, like it’s 108 days until the end of the semester!  You can get to this website by using the link below as well as from the staff intranet.                                               https://sites.google.com/a/udel.edu/film-video/

Last by not least, please, please, please, look at all individual due dates, especially when someone is taking out multiple titles.  I just had someone call this morning, distraught because she was out of town and got an overdue notice for something that is scheduled and needed this week for class.  If she had known about the earlier due date for that one, she wouldn’t have taken it home.  So, it is important to check each due date!

That covers the big items.  I hope you all have a super semester.  Thanks for all you do and remember that staff is always here to help if you have questions at the desk or it gets busy!  Thanks!