What? No email address??

I know you guys have been itching for something new, so, here it is.  Did you know that some patrons have no email address in their record?  So, that begs the question, where do their “email” receipts go?  Yep, who knows??  You can prevent that!  If a patron wants an email receipt, look at the top of the pop-up window containing the email.  If it says “noemail@udel.edu” (where it says varken@udel.edu in the example below), simply print out their receipt instead of emailing it.  I have never noticed that field before but it’s there.  Now, just check it each time before you send an email receipt and we’ll be delivering even more stellar customer service!

We are also asking that you start printing out (instead of emailing) all receipts for 4 hour loans.  It will be a good reminder for the user as well as for us.  So, don’t even offer them the choice.  When you see that an item is due in 4 hours, just print out a physical receipt and set the user up in a carrel.

That’s all for now, folks.  Have a great weekend and stay cool!

Meet the new scanners!

We have gone hi-tech! The old ID scanners have been replaced with these new ones:

All you have to do is touch the UD ID to the front of it, much like we touch our ID to get in the building.  That’s it!  There will be less wear and tear on the ID’s and it eliminates the black stripe scanning problems of the past.  So, give it a try during your next shift and be amazed!  It also requires much less hardware so the desks look much less crowded as well.  It’s a win-win!