Advancing the mission of UD takes all members of the community.
Embracing and advancing diversity is an institutional value and academic priority.
As you know, diversity is a core value of the educational experience here at UD. We want diversity to be both a compositional and intellectual enterprise in order to foster a more inclusive, engaged and welcoming campus.
On-Campus Resources
General Resources
Multicultural Education- Teaching & Learning
- Campus Incivility Webinar Series- National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity
- Trump 101 Syllabus- The Chronicle of Higher Education
- Black Lives Matter Syllabus
- CTAL- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Teaching
- Inclusive Teaching
- Syllabus Diversity Statement Suggestions
Campus Lactating Persons’ Room Locations
- 346 Hullihen Hall- Hullihen Hall is currently closed for the Fall 2020 semester
- 128 Perkins Student Center
- 214A McDowell Hall
- 207E Morris Library
- 105 Warner Hall (Student Wellness)
- Tower at STAR, Room 354 (100 Discovery Blvd.). | 6am-6pm, parking available in front of building
UD Student Organizations
- Affinity-Based Leadership Councils– Student Diversity & Inclusion
- Asian & Pacific Islander Student Association (APSA)
- Asian Awareness, Perspective, and Connections Magazine (AAPC)
- Association of Latino Professionals For America (ALPFA)
- Black Student Union
- Blue Hen Veterans
- Campus Alliance de La Raza, (CALR)
- China America Association (CAA)
- Cultural Programming Advisory Board
- Dark Arts Dance Theater
- Delaware African Students Association
- Delaware Kamaal
- Delta Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. (DPhiL)
- Filipino Student Association (FSA)
- Hispanic Latino Graduate Student Association (HLGSA)
- Indian Student Association (ISA)
- Indian Graduate Student Association (IGSA)
- Japanese Culture & Language Club (JCLC)
- Korean Dance & Culture Club (KoDACC)
- Korean Graduate Student Association (KGSA)
- Lavender Programming Board
- Muslim Student Association (MSA)
- Nepalese Student Association (NSA)
- Persian Student Association
- Pi Alpha Phi Fraternity, Inc.
- Saudi Students Association
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
- Society of Asian Scientists & Engineers (SASE)
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
- Taiwanese Student Association
- Turkish American Student Association (TASA)
- We’re First
External Resources
Government Offices
Sexuality & Gender
- Gender Inclusive Guidelines- University of Pittsburgh
- Gender Inclusive/ Non-Sexist Language- University of Pittsburgh
- Resources for LGBT College Students
- Resources for Transgender College Students
- College Scholarships for LGBTQ Students
- Good Practices- Names & Pronouns- University of Maryland
- Pronouns: A Resource for Educators- GLSEN
- Teaching Beyond the Gender Binary in the University Classroom- Vanderbilt University
Title IX & Sexual Misconduct
Local & National Advocacy Groups
- AIDS Delaware
- The American Association of University Women (AAUW)
The AAUW is committed to “bring[ing] people together for the common goal of breaking through educational and economic barriers for women and girls.” - American Civil Liberties Union of Delaware
- Diversity Central
Resources for cultural diversity at work. - GLAAD
A site where GLAAD highlights their mission statement, outreach, resources, events, and blog, all dedicated to “accelerating acceptance.” - Human Rights Campaign
- Interfaith Alliance
The Interfaith Alliance “works to ensure that faith and freedom flourish so that individuals can worship freely or not worship at all, so they can embrace matters of personal conscience without fear of government intrusion, and so that all can live in a vibrant, healthy society.” - Mazzoni Center
- The PERSAD Center
PERSAD CENTER is a human service organization whose mission is to improve the well-being of the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning) communities, and the HIV/AIDS communities. - PFLAG- Wilmington, DE Chapter
- Southern Poverty Law Center
- Transgender Law Center (TLC)
Valuing authenticity, equality, and trust, TLC “changes law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live [sic] free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression.”