The Office of Institutional Equity provides year-round educational opportunities for the University of Delaware community to meet the evolving needs of faculty, staff, and students. OIE’s social justice curriculum provides ongoing education at all levels of expertise and understanding as we strive to provide UD community members with the knowledge and tools to co-create a socially just and equitable campus community. 

OIE provides: 

  • Year-round programming on a broad array of social justice topics
  • Optional participation in the LEAD Ally Certificate Program
  • Customized solutions to meet individual unit and department needs
  • Collaboration and sponsorship of equity and social justice programming, lectures, and training opportunities
  • Online social justice education opportunities through LinkedIn Learning
  • Online training and compliance education through our partnership with Vector Solutions (formerly Everfi)
Year-round Workshop Opportunities
LEAD Ally Certificate
Request Customized Training
LinkedIn Learning Opportunities

Sexual Misconduct Prevention Online Training

Summer 2020 Update: Please note that newly admitted students will receive an invitation to participate in the Everfi Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Education training prior to the start of the fall 2020 semester. An email invitation containing instructions for completing the training will come directly from Everfi, our university partner for online education.

The University of Delaware has collaborated with EverFi, whose mission is to help address sexual misconduct prevention in higher education institutions across the country. EverFi has an educational module, “Sexual Assault Prevention for…”, geared toward three groups: Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, and Faculty & Staff. All employees and students are required to complete this special online training course as part of the University’s sexual misconduct policy. This training was previously referred to as “Haven” or “Haven Plus” and is now referred to as kNOw MORE online training.

Topics such as sex discrimination, sexual harassment, dating and domestic violence, and stalking are covered in the course, along with details on specific UD policies and resources.

New students and newly hired employees are required to take this training within 30 days.  Retraining for employees is required in the fall of every odd year to meet with state and federal guidelines.  Additionally, the Office of Institutional Equity offers training classes upon request and when important policy changes take effect.

Please follow the links to the left for information on your mandatory online training, including troubleshooting help and frequently asked questions.

Once you have completed your kNOw MORE online training, you are encouraged to take the kNOw MORE pledge to further demonstrate your commitment to sexual misconduct awareness!

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in the University’s programs and activities and applies in sexual misconduct cases that include sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking by anyone on University property.

kNOw MORE for Undergraduates

Fall 2020 Update:

Due to the adjusted Fall 2020 academic term, the online kNOw MORE sexual misconduct education timeline will be adjust. New students will receive their invitation to complete the required online course on or after August 14th, 2020 in order to align with new Title IX regulations released by the U.S. Department of Education. This invitation will still be received via email from EverFi ( and the instructions below can be followed once you receive your invitation. Please note that this timeline applies only to the kNOw MORE sexual misconduct training, and new students may receive additional information regarding separate training requirements at the university.

kNOw MORE Directions:

  1. Go to and enter your UDelNet ID username and password.
  2. Click on Log In to begin the course, click next (bottom right) to proceed through each section.
  3. Take Part 1 (six (6) sections). Time: 45 minutes. You do not have to complete it all at once but it does need to be completed by August 20, 2019!
  4. Pass the EXAM. You will need to retake the exam until you get a passing grade.
  5. After 45 days, you’ll receive an e-mail to log back in and finish Part 2 of the course (15 minutes). Please anticipate this message to be delivered from EverFi “”. If you have questions about the validity of email that appears to come from EverFi or UD kNOw MORE, please contact us.
  6. Go to: and enter your UDelNet ID username and Password.  (As long as you successfully complete Part 1 (six sections) of the program, no hold will be placed on your course registration while you wait to take Part 2.)
  7. Complete Part 2 by (date TBD).

If you have any questions about kNOw MORE online training, please refer to troubleshooting & FAQs first then feel free to  email –  Include your UD ID and any SCREEN PRINTS. You will receive a response within one business day.

Your Letter:

Dear Incoming Student,

Welcome to UD!  As a Blue Hen, we want you to be all that you possibly can be! That is why we want to assist you in making the most informed and responsible decisions about your health and safety while you spend time on our campuses.

UD requires every incoming student to complete the online educational course kNOw MORE – Sexual Misconduct Prevention. EverFi uses video-based “What would you do?” scenarios to model protective behaviors and intervention strategies for students. Additional scenarios help guide students through the process of helping a friend who is a victim of sexual violence. The goal of this education is to increase awareness and protective factors, prevent such crimes from occurring, apprehend assailants, and provide prompt and compassionate support services to victims. We hope that you will gain new insights from this program. It will also tell you more about the resources that are available here at the University of Delaware such as confidential victim advocacy and healthy relationships counseling through Student Wellness and Health Promotion.

If you have any questions or concerns about this course, please email or contact the Office of Equity & Inclusion at 302-831-8063. We understand that the topic of sexual assault may include triggers for some students and we encourage you to call in advance of taking the course, or to use the resources that are included in the program, should you experience discomfort during the course.

One resource we would like to highlight is S.O.S., Sexual Offense Support.  If you experience a trigger or are uncomfortable during the course, you can speak with the S.O.S. victim advocate by calling 302-831-1001, (UD Helpline 24/7). The person who answers your call will take a first name and phone number and the advocate will call you back within 10 minutes.  This service is available 24 hours a day, and advocates are trained to understand the discomfort you may be experiencing and will provide you with personalized, sensitive support.

Participation in kNOw MORE online training is mandatory. Please be aware that if you fail to complete kNOw MORE in a timely manner, a hold will be placed on your account preventing you from registering for Winter/Spring classes. Included below are detailed instructions on how to access this program. You may begin logging into the course on (Date TBD), and Part 1 must be completed before (Date TBD).

If you are receiving this correspondence AFTER (Date TBD), your personal access to the course will remain open until (Date TBD). Please complete the requirements by (Date TBD).

Please note if you hold employment through the University of Delaware, you will also be required to complete kNOw MORE for Faculty & Staff in addition to kNOw MORE- Sexual Misconduct Prevention.

We hope that you will gain new insights from this program. It will also tell you more about the resources that are available here at the University of Delaware such as confidential victim advocacy and healthy relationships counseling through Student Wellness and Health Promotion. Leadership opportunities and organizations including S.O.S. and Men Advocating for Societal & Cultural Change are also provided. There are many different organizations to get involved with; we look forward to seeing you at our events throughout the year!

As a Blue Hen, your commitment to yourself comes with a shared commitment to the health and welfare of others. College life will likely present you with increased opportunities to have an impact on the lives of your peers. It is our great hope that you will choose to do this in positive and productive ways.

Welcome to the University of Delaware!

The Office of Equity & Inclusion


 UD Student Access to kNOw MORE – Sexual Misconduct Prevention

The University of Delaware is requiring each new student to complete kNOw MORE- Sexual Misconduct Prevention—an online prevention program. The deadline for completion of Part 1 is (Date TBD). A hold will be placed on your account preventing you from registering for Winter/Spring classes if you do not complete this course.

kNOw MORE for Graduate Students

Fall 2020 Update:

Due to the adjusted Fall 2020 academic term, the online kNOw MORE sexual misconduct education timeline will be adjust. New students will receive their invitation to complete the required online course on or after August 14th, 2020 in order to align with new Title IX regulations released by the U.S. Department of Education. This invitation will still be received via email from EverFi ( and the instructions below can be followed once you receive your invitation. Please note that this timeline applies only to the kNOw MORE sexual misconduct training, and new students may receive additional information regarding separate training requirements at the university.

kNOw MORE Directions:

  1. Go to and enter your UDelNet ID username and password.
  2. Click on Log In to begin the course, click next (bottom right) to proceed through each section.
  3. Take Part 1 (six (6) sections). Time: 45 minutes. You do not have to complete it all at once but it does need to be completed by August 20, 2019!
  4. Pass the EXAM. You will need to retake the exam until you get a passing grade.
  5. After 45 days, you’ll receive an e-mail to log back in and finish Part 2 of the course (15 minutes). Please anticipate this message to be delivered from EverFi “”. If you have questions about the validity of email that appears to come from EverFi or UD kNOw MORE, please contact us. 
  6. Go to: and enter your UDelNet ID username and Password. (As long as you successfully complete Part 1 ( six sections) of the program, no hold will be placed on your course registration while you wait to take Part 2.)
  7. Complete Part 2 by (Date TBD).

If you have any questions about Haven, please refer to troubleshooting & FAQs first then feel free to email –  Include your UD ID and any SCREEN PRINTS. You will receive a response within one business day.

Your Letter:

Dear Incoming Student,

Welcome to UD!  As a Blue Hen, we want you to be all that you possibly can be! That is why we want to assist you in making the most informed and responsible decisions about your health and safety while you spend time on our campuses.

UD requires every incoming graduate student to complete the online educational course kNOw MORE – Sexual Misconduct Prevention. EverFi uses video-based “What would you do?” scenarios to model protective behaviors and intervention strategies for students. Additional scenarios help guide students through the process of helping a friend who is a victim of sexual violence. The goal of this education is to increase awareness and protective factors, prevent such crimes from occurring, apprehend assailants, and provide prompt and compassionate support services to victims. We hope that you will gain new insights from this program. It will also tell you more about the resources that are available here at the University of Delaware such as confidential victim advocacy and healthy relationships counseling through Student Wellness and Health Promotion.

If you have any questions or concerns about this course, please email or contact the Office of Equity & Inclusion at 302-831-8063. We understand that the topic of sexual assault may include triggers for some students and we encourage you to call in advance of taking the course, or to use the resources that are included in the program, should you experience discomfort during the course.

One resource we would like to highlight is S.O.S., Sexual Offense Support.  If you experience a trigger or are uncomfortable during the course, you can speak with the S.O.S. victim advocate by calling 302-831-1001, (UD Helpline 24/7). The person who answers your call will take a first name and phone number and the advocate will call you back within 10 minutes.  This service is available 24 hours a day, and advocates are trained to understand the discomfort you may be experiencing and will provide you with personalized, sensitive support.

Participation in kNOw MORE online training is mandatory. Please be aware that if you fail to complete kNOw MORE in a timely manner, a hold will be placed on your account preventing you from registering for Winter/Spring classes. Included below are detailed instructions on how to access this program. You may begin logging into the course on (Date TBD), and Part 1 must be completed before (Date TBD).

If you are receiving this correspondence AFTER (Date TBD), your personal access to the course will remain open until (Date TBD). Please complete the requirements by (Date TBD).

Please note if you hold employment through the University of Delaware, you will also be required to complete kNOw MORE for Faculty & Staff in addition to kNOw MORE for graduate students.

As a Blue Hen, your commitment to yourself comes with a shared commitment to the health and welfare of others. College life will likely present you with increased opportunities to have an impact on the lives of your peers. It is our great hope that you will choose to do this in positive and productive ways.

Welcome to the University of Delaware!

The Office of Equity & Inclusion


 UD Student Access to kNOw MORE – Sexual Misconduct Prevention

The University of Delaware is requiring each new student to complete kNOw MORE- Sexual Misconduct Prevention—an online prevention program. The deadline for completion of Part 1 is (Date TBD). A hold will be placed on your account preventing you from registering for Winter/Spring classes if you do not complete this course.

kNOw MORE for Faculty & Staff

All employees are required to take kNOw MORE online training for Faculty & Staff within 30 days of being hired and should be done at the same time as on-boarding.  Additionally, refresher training will be done the fall of every odd year (2017, 2019, etc.)  This policy keeps the University in line with the State of Delaware Code Title 14-Chapter 90A. While we understand that some people will be requested to take this sooner than 24 months apart, each individual will fall into the schedule by the next cycle. This is the most effective way for us to manage this program currently.

The University of Delaware expects each employee to complete kNOw MORE, an online prevention program.

kNOw MORE Directions:

  1. Go to and enter your UDelNet ID username and password.
  2. Click on “Log In” to begin the course.  Click on “Next” (on the bottom right) to proceed through each section.
  3. Take Part 1 (six (6) sections), which you can expect to take 45 minutes. You do not have to complete it all at once but it does need to be completed promptly.
  4. Pass the EXAM. You will need to retake the exam until you get a passing grade.
  5. After 45 days, you’ll receive an e-mail to log back in and finish Part 2 of the course (15 minutes). *Please anticipate this message to be delivered from EverFi “”. If you have questions about the validity of email that appears to come from EverFi or UD kNOw MORE, please contact us.

 Additional assistance:

  • Troubleshooting Tips and FAQ’s
  • Should you experience any difficulties or require support, the Everfi Online Technical Support Center is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Simply click on the “Help” button located in the upper right-hand corner of every EverFi screen or contact them at 866-384-9062.
  • For any technical issues with logging into your UD network page, please contact IT at the University of Delaware,, and click on the “Need Help” button.
Troubleshooting Tips

If you are experiencing trouble, EverFi can be reached at 866-384-9062

  • (please read the Troubleshooting tips below)

If you need to contact the Office of Equity & Inclusion we will need your UD ID# and a screen print (can use Snipping Tool) of you problem in order to help you determine if EverFi or UD IT can help you.  Please send your request to: 

  • (please read the Troubleshooting tips below)

I took this last year (employees)

If you are taking a course that you have already enrolled in during a previous academic year (you would see it on your Past Courses tab), click “Add a Course” in the top right corner of your dashboard to re-enroll in your required course. Please see the sample screenshots below.

No Courses

If you see no current courses:


Click on the green button [Add a Course] and choose the course you should take: Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates, Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduates, or Faculty & Staff.  

Application Error

If your error looks like this:

Please contact EverFi Help Desk for support:  1-866-384-9062

Blank Screen – Sorry Something Went Wrong – from

If your error looks like this: 

Please contact EverFi Help Desk for support:  1-866-384-9062

Unauthorized Access

If your error looks like this: 

Please contact the Office of Equity & Inclusion and include your UD ID and your group: Undergrad, Grad, or Employee. Please send your request to the following email

  • (please read the Troubleshooting tips below)

Troubleshooting Tips

Both AlcoholEdu and kNOw MORE Sexual Misconduct Prevention are programs that we have partnered with Everfi to bring to our campus. The University of Delaware’s IT department does not manage these programs and are unable to assist with troubleshooting. If you are experiencing technical troubles with kNOw MORE, please try these troubleshooting tips:

  1. What browser works best?
    1. Chrome (first choice)
    2. Firefox or Safari
    3. If you are using Internet Explorer, try a different browser listed above
  2. You may be too far zoomed in. Try zooming out. (Control button and minus button)
  3. Close all other applications and tabs. (iTunes, Facebook, YouTube, etc). Additionally, do not have any CDs or DVDs playing on the computer while viewing the course.
  4. Clear your cache.
  5. If on a wireless connection, try a wired connection.
  6. Switch to another supported browser. I would try Chrome first and then Firefox.
  7. Reboot the computer.
  8. Disable all popup blockers and 3rd party toolbars.
  9. Try accessing the course from a different connection (computer lab, library, etc.).
  10. Try watching the videos on your phone or tablet and then switch back to your computer to finish the course.
  11. Try accessing the course at a different time of day (eg. during non-peak internet usage hours,  i.e. morning).

If none of these tips work, please contact Technical Assistance at Everfi for any technical difficulties within the program! They can be reached at 866-384-9062 or by using the “Help” button on each page of the program.

For any technical issues with logging into your UD network page, please contact IT at the University of, and click on the “Need Help” button.

FAQ’s for kNOw MORE Online Sexual Misconduct Prevention Training

Why can’t I log in/ don’t have access?

There is a slight lag when new students and employees can have access. Students are loaded to have access after New Student Orientation in most cases. Employees are loaded within the first 30 days, after New Employee Orientation or On-boarding. You will have 30 days from your notification to complete the course. Please feel free to contact us if you think the lag has been too long, we certainly want to make sure everyone receives their training. We appreciate your diligence in starting this right away!

I’m an International Student and I’m having trouble accessing this course:

You may need to take this course when you arrive in the United States. We understand that this may be after the due date. Please don’t worry. You will have an extended deadline to complete this course.

How Long will it take?

kNOw MORE online will take you about 45 minutes for Part 1. Part 2 of the program becomes available 45 days after completion of Part 1 and typically takes about 15 minutes.

Do I have to do it?

First Time Students:

  • First time Undergraduate Student – kNOw MORE – Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates
  • First time Graduate Student – kNOw MORE – Sexual Assault Prevention for Graduate Students
  • Transfer Student – kNOw MORE- Sexual Assault Prevention for Undergraduates
  • Continuing Education Student – kNOw MORE- Sexual Assault Prevention 
  • Certificate Student – kNOw MORE- Sexual Assault Prevention


  • Faculty Full-time – kNOw MORE– For Faculty & Staff
  • Faculty Part-time – kNOw MORE- For Faculty & Staff
  • Staff Full-time – kNOw MORE- For Faculty & Staff
  • Staff Part-time – kNOw MORE – For Faculty & Staff
  • Miscellaneous wage – kNOw MORE- For Faculty & Staff
  • S-Contract – kNOw MORE- For Faculty & Staff
  • Student Worker – kNOw MORE- For Faculty & Staff
  • Graduate Student Worker – kNOw MORE- For Faculty & Staff
What if I already took this as an undergrad/grad?

Each course is designed for your specific role at UD. kNOw MORE Sexual Misconduct Prevention is an online training course developed for the unique position of graduate students. It has some different components than kNOw MORE for Undergrads. We ask that you take this as it specifically relates to your new position within the UD community. kNOw MORE for Faculty & Staff includes information regarding special requirements you have as an employee and is very important for you to know.

What if I’ve already completed this or something similar?

You will need to complete them for the University of Delaware. These programs contain resources and information specific to the University of Delaware so we require all of our students to complete the programs even if you have completed them somewhere else.

What if I’m worried about feeling triggered by kNOw MORE?

We understand that the topic of sexual assault may include triggers for some students and we encourage you to call in advance of taking the course, or to use the resources that are included in the program should you experience discomfort during the course.

One resource we would like to highlight is SOS, Sexual Offense Support. If you experience a trigger or are uncomfortable during the course, you can speak with the SOS Victim Advocate by calling 302-831-1001 then press 1. The person who answers your call will take a first name and phone number and the advocate will call you back within 10 minutes.  This service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and these advocates are specially trained to understand the discomfort you may be experiencing and provide you with personalized, sensitive support, so please do not hesitate to call.

If you have any questions or concerns about this course, please email  or contact the office at 302-831-8063.

What do I do if I have a hold on my account? (Students)

Once you have completed the requirements, you will need to email to have your kNOw MORE hold removed. Please note that holds are not automatically removed once you complete the requirement, you will need to email and request that they be removed.

Part 2 is locked, what do I do?

There is a 45 day intersession between part 1 and part 2 of Haven. If you are waiting to have a hold removed, please email and request that your hold be removed upon completion of Part 1.