Technology Committee Implementation Goals for 2016-2017

  1. Continue to provide instructors support through the Tech Buddies program.

Tech buddies have been doing as good a job as possible given the limited access they have as dictated by OET. If you seem to have a software problem, it’s best to contact OET directly at

  1. Work with Scott Stevens and Dru Arban on assessing the feasibility of purchasing OHCs for classrooms.

15 Document cameras were recently purchased, catalogued and distributed to interested instructors in all ELI buildings.

  1. Creating Tech cheat sheets for teachers to handle smaller problems encountered in the classrooms.

Plans are for quick troubleshooting guides to be made up.

  1. Investigate the possibility of creating a tech buddy support ticket system.

This will be investigated in the spring sessions.

  1. Remove old tech out of classrooms.

This is a job best left for during the break weeks/ holidays so that classes/tutoring won’t be disturbed.

  1. Look into new technology such as smart pens and Bluetooth ipad display connectors.

A survey needs to created and passed out on how much interest there is in using this technology

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