Technology Committee Update March 2016

March 25, 2016

The Technology Committee goals are as follows:

  1. Respond to individual needs via tech buddies and specialists.

Tech buddies have been putting out fires in all buildings as the problems arise. Buddies include Nicole/Scott (108), Dan (102), Bob (318), Dmitri (189), and Celeste/Jim W.     (Rodney/Elkton/ Amstel). Tech buddies now have administrative privileges with computers


  1.    Make teachers more self-sufficient in classroom problems.

We will create a quick-fix/self-checklist for the most common Smartboard/computer problems in the classroom. These will be laminated and placed in all classrooms.


  1. Acquire New Technology for the classroom.

We are looking into the most user-friendly while cost-effective overhead cameras that can be purchased for classrooms.

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