March 25, 2016
1) The Testing Committee is preparing for a “lite” norm referencing for final writing tests that will take place on Friday of week 6. The facilitators will either be the level coordinators or Testing Committee members who teach at that level. Facilitators will receive materials before that time.
2) We have a draft of an in-house listening test. When Julie Lopez returns we will ask her to begin the process of creating videos for it. When it is finished we will pilot it as a placement test first. The piloting process involves using it along with what we are currently using and comparing the results.
3) Creating six versions of the final listening test may not be feasible or may take too long. For this reason, we are also looking for an alternative testing product that might be an appropriate replacement for the Michigan. Among the factors to be considered are cost, security, and ease of administration.
—Walt for the Testing Committee