IEP Academic Advisor Notes

IEP academic advisor
Advisor at 318 would advise non-CAP students as necessary
Role of advisor
-Arabic speaking to help lowest levels with academic advice
-potentially a teacher
-possible S3 coordination duties, student life, student conduct
-helping higher level students with class selection, college admissions/selection
-possibly two positions for upper and lower level needs
-bring in other schools for college fair, disseminate info about universities
-orientation/information for the lowest levels
-point person to work with SACM, if possible
-primarily academic
Cohort Involvement
-input from instructor, grades, holistic, probation
-possibly ask for more input from instructors
-possibly ask for cohort instructor input during dismissal hearings
Suggestion – send an email to all teachers listing students up for dismissal to illicit responses from teachers to be used during the hearing
Plagiarism handling
-Essay sharing
-is it being reported?

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