Graduation Awards

Policy Updates:

CAP Cohort Scholars Graduation Award adopted August 19, 2013.


Whereas the grades at ELI are intended to be assessments of proficiency and not rewards for hard work, and whereas the faculty would like to acknowledge the efforts of those whose study habits and attitudes are exemplary even if they have not consistently maintained an A average:

  1. Be it resolved that teachers should be able to nominate students for non-academic awards from the entire graduating list, and not just from the honors list. (Adopted Friday, February 1 2013)
  2. In the event that two students are nominated for the same award, all else being equal, the award will go to a student with multiple sessions over a student with only one session.  This only applies if one of the two students has only studied at the ELI for one session.
  3. In order to receive honors, a student must have a 3.5 GPA. (Adopted Friday, February 1 2013)

Graduation Awards

At each graduation ceremony, the ELI faculty has traditionally recognized outstanding student achievement by voting special awards. To be considered for an award, a student must have an accumulative 90% attendance in each session, must have participated constructively in all classes, must have completed all classwork, and must have demonstrated leadership qualities.



An outstanding student with strong oral skills whose work has been of consistent high quality (letter grade A), who has demonstrated leadership, whose attendance is exemplary, who has demonstrated responsibility to her/his classmates, and whose English skills have improved significantly.

Outstanding Student:

A student whose quality of work has been consistently or particularly high and who has demonstrated leadership, excellent attendance, and cooperation and participation in her/his classes. Clearly the best of the bunch

Best Writer:

The student whose writing in English is outstanding in both content and format. Generally the student receiving this award comes from the Level 5 or Level 6 Reading/Writing classes.

Writing Achievement Award:

Any student at any other level who has demonstrated significant improvement in her/his writing skills.

Achievement Award:

The student who has made the most progress in her/his language skills (particularly listening/speaking) during the time she/he has attended the ELI and who has persevered in her/his study of English. Preference is given to lower level students where possible.


This is a general award given to students with 90% attendance and consistently A work.

CAP Cohort Award:

The recipient reflects mastery in Cohort’s focus areas of student growth: communication, responsibility, and engagement in academics and community. Eligibility requires nomination form both a Cohort and IEP instructor, and is based on academic achievement (defined as a 3.25 GPA or higher) and outstanding Cohort engagement scores (two 6.0 preferred, or a minimum 5.5 average). Combined, these qualifications provide a strong foundation for student success in higher education, a goal that remains at the forefront of the CAP Cohort program. The student should exhibit leadership, involvement, and engagement in the ELI, UD campus, and beyond.

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