Academic Dishonesty Policy

All faculty members should attach a student copy of the academic dishonesty policy to their syllabi and review with students at the start of each session of RW classes.

More information for students:

What is Academic Dishonesty?


  • Stealing an exam physically or electronically
  • Giving another student answers during a test
  • Turning in work done by someone else
  • Posing as someone else to take a test for her/him
  • Copying an answer from another person’s test
  • Peeking at notes during an exam


  • Using another person’s idea or illustration without crediting the original author
  • Copying sentences directly from an article, book, or web without crediting the original author



What do I do about it?

  1. First Violation:
    1. Minor or inadvertent cheating or plagiarism

i.      At your discretion, warn the student

ii.      At your discretion, require student to do the work again

  1. Egregious act of cheating or plagiarism

i.      Take action

ii.      Impact a student’s grade

  1. Second Violation:
    1. At your discretion, require that the student redo work for a lower grade and/or fail student on that assignment
    2. Complete a Formal Notice of Academic Dishonesty  form. (The Committee on Student Conduct and Attendance and the student will automatically receive a copy of the form, along with a link to information regarding academic dishonesty.)
      1. For AT/CAP students
      2. For IEP students
  1. Third Violation (whether in same class or future class):
    1. Fill out a Formal Notice of Academic Dishonesty  form.(The Committee on Student Conduct and Attendance and the student will automatically receive a copy of the form, along with a link to information regarding academic dishonesty.)
      1. For AT/CAP students
      2. For IEP students
    2. Give student a zero for the test or assignment
    3. After the third violation, the Chair of the Student Attendance and Conduct Committee will:
      1. notify the student
      2. require student to attend a hearing to determine if dismissal is necessary
      3. teachers involved are also notified to attend the hearing


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