Faculty Performance Evaluations

Course evaluations are required and must be administered by the end of the seventh week of the session. Evaluations are to be given at coordinated times, with colleagues in neighboring classrooms supervising the administering of evaluations (you are not to administer the evaluations for your own classes) and turning these into the secretary. Joe has prepared a general script to be used in all classes for the consistent administration of evaluations. Please see Joe M. if you do not have copies of your evaluation forms or if you do not understand procedures. Within two to three weeks of each session, Joe will distribute to each instructor evaluation results from the previous session.

We also strongly encourage you to see Joe to review the results with him. Copies of forms are available upon request. Supplemental (“Adjunct”) faculty are now required to meet with Joe Matterer after every session during their first year of employment and every other session thereafter. If you did not complete your year-end review with Joe last session, please see him immediately to schedule a meeting.

Course evaluation forms

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