ELI Textbook Review and Adoption Guidelines

When the need arises for a new textbook at the Institute, a book may be proposed by an individual faculty member, a group of teachers of a particular level, the textbook committee, or other ELI committees. Any suggested textbook will be reviewed by the Textbook Committee (in consultation with interested teachers) to determine whether or not it seems suitable in light of the class requirements and level objectives. This process must begin at least one session prior to the anticipated need, and the book must be approved by the Textbook Committee before it is used.

Process for the Periodic Review of Texts Currently in Use:

Textbooks currently in use at the Institute will undergo a periodic review. The Textbook Committee will group texts according to skill area (e.g., L/S, R/W) and/or level and will put them on a calendar to ensure regular review in a six-year cycle (one level per year).

Process for the Evaluation and Adoption of New Textbooks:


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