A&E Committee

Activities and Events (A&E) report to faculty April 19, 2013

  1. Work more closely with CAP Cohort:  Work with administrators, instructors, and mentors to integrate cohort activities with A&E activities, including but not limited to field trips, special Cohort programming on bus trips, and service learning.

We are moving forward with this goal.  I’ve met with Karen and Rachel and we have discussed a variety of options.  We have obtained authorization for CAP Mentors to go on ELI trips and serve as escorts when needed. Our next step is to work with Instructors and Mentors to create itineraries and to find other ways to align trips with Cohort goals.

  1. Maintain and improve our existing events and processes: Maintain our focus on developing new and interesting social activities for the students at the ELI. We have made a number of major changes in how the committee works and I’d like to see us use the coming year to consolidate our changes and look at how they are helping us meet our mission goals.

Things are proceeding well. Tim Kim has been very helpful with advertising. All of the major changes that we have implemented this year (advertising officer, centralized bus requests, direct email advertising, using 318 as a trip departure point, etc.) seems to have generally had positive results. Through these changes, we’ve identified a few problems in our process and have been able to fix them.

  1. Continue to develop the A&E website: This should include in-house training for all committee members on how to use WordPress and “Sites.udel.edu” to create basic but interesting pages for trips and events. By May 2013, we should have a template page for each major recurrent event or activity that we offer. Other additions to the site could include a suggestions page, a feedback page, etc.

The website is up and running. We’ve had a training session to familiarize committee members with the website and are moving into the second phase of development. The committee has decided to use Google Drive as our collaborative development tool for now. We will consider getting multiple committee members set up to edit the website should this seems like a necessary step in the future. Most of the features of the website are now functional, including a “current events” and a “what we have done” page.

  1. Suggestions for next year’s goals:  The following goals have been proposed and approved by the Activities & Events Committee.  We recommend bringing these goals to the faculty during the annual Planning Retreat in May.

Continue to develop the website.

Clarify escort duties and guidelines.

Clarify processes and lines of communication with event stakeholders.

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