Faculty Meeting VI14 – 8/18/2014

Faculty Meeting – VI14 8/20/14

Williard Hall 319, 1 p.m. Monday

News and Agenda:

  1. Predicted enrollment number: 760 (updated 8/19)
  2. Karen extended the invitation to ELI faculty to attend the “UD Welcomes the World” –  invite sent out on-line.  Event is August 27th 4 to 6 on the Wright House.
    1. Point made, if event could be held in a non-break week.
  3.  C.      Karen asked faculty if they would be interested in working on the NAFSA Paul Simon Award.  Karen is collecting data in the area of Outreach & Partnership within our International UD partners on campus to potentially win this award.  Please contact Karen if you would like to participate.
  4. ELI Drama and Film Performance tomorrow, Tuesday 8/19/15.
  5. Scott Duarte explained his abstract and asked faculty to review information he sent out on-line so that the ELI can vote next meeting about research proposal: language production of board games with ESL students.
  6. Grades for all graduating, multiple repeaters, students on probation due 3 p.m. from all instructors with morning classes, 4 p.m. for instructors with afternoon classes.  Leaving list sent out Tuesday afternoon, when database is open for final grade entry.  Paperwork for change status submitted by Wednesday.
  7. All S contract faculty on duty for Intake on 8/28.


  1.  Turn in iPads to Marie Hunt of ELI Finance Office if you are not teaching next session.  Please return all textbooks and other equipment by Friday to Chris 189, Jeanne 108, Rose 318.
  2. Last remain intention forms, please forward to Jeanne or Chris.


  1. Grades for level VI CAP, due 5:00 p.m. Wednesday.  CAP appeals due to Dr. Stevens same time.
  2. Recommended day for administering course evaluations, if you have not already done so.  Please use the course evaluation script when administering evaluations.  Be sure name of the class and teacher is on the student scan sheet.
  3. CAP Cohort classes should already have envelopes.
  4. Final grammar exam.
  5. Last day for final essays.
  6. L/S Assessments.
  7. Meeting regarding retained students with exceptional needs is Wednesday at 1:15 to 4:00 at 318 S. College in room 228.
  8. Cohort engagement scores by 3 p.m.


  1. Program evaluations in L/S class, please return to Erin Goertz.
  2. Graduating students final grades due in database as early as Wednesday, please use remote access.
    1. All remaining students grades due 3:00 p.m. for morning classes and 4 p.m. for afternoon classes.  Absolutely no exceptions.
    2. To give student incomplete, “I” only for students who scored lower than C-. The class percentage should reflect the grades earned for all skill areas (including the skill are where an “I” is assigned). Only students with an effort of 1 or 2 and 90% attendance (no more than 4 absences) are eligible for an incomplete. If the student is graduating, they cannot earn an “I” grade.
  3. Last day of classes.  L/S classes 8:15-9:30; R/W class 10:00-11:15; Afternoon classes 1:00-2:30.
    1. Post grades
    2. Grading policy


  1. Grades for continuing students entered by 12 p.m.
  2. Graduation in Mitchell Hall at 3:30 p.m.  Coordinators are Sarah Petersen and Leslie Criston.

Procedures:  Sarah explained that students sit with RW teachers, rows will be labelled and a seating chart is available on screen.  Students receive scrolls on stage and then go back to RW teachers for certificates and transcripts.

Discussion about awards and students chosen according to categories.

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