Faculty Meeting – III14 2/24/14

Faculty Meeting III14

Memorial Hall 123, 1 pm on Monday, February 24, 2014

News and Agenda

A. Next session’s total enrollment: 696 (est); actual predicted IEP enrollment: 634.

B. Thank you, Michael Fields and Baerbel Schumacher, for doing such a splendid job coordinating the Brazilian teacher training program, Nicole Servais for teaching a new and highly successful methodology seminar, and for colleagues who taught them in their classes and provided training workshops.

C. Thanks to Jim Weaver for doing a splendid job coordinating the Seinan Gakuin University group.

D. Request for cooperating teachers for the MA TESL Practicum: Nigel

E. Wendy Clark would like to remind everyone of the new website she created to address common questions colleagues might have regarding payroll, vacations, policies, webforms, etc. The url is: sites.udel.edu/elihr

F. Transformation Grants available through the Center for Teaching and Assessment of Learning for “new instructional models that are not currently available, [approaches to] eliminate barriers identified in teaching, and help define the next generation of teaching and technology.”  Providing support for NNS of English in the classroom may be a proposal worth pursuing.  See Scott or Nigel if interested.

G. On February 19, Faculty approved two measures: Nigel Caplan’s research proposal and the proposal that the Listening grade for Film L/S VI no longer be acceptable as a qualifying grade for meeting CAP matriculation requirements.

H. Nominations for Graduation Awards


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