Course Proposal: Level VI Reading/Writing EAP VI Preparation Course – PASSED

Passed November 1, 2013

EAP VI Preparation RW VI

Course Rationale:

This course is designed for students who have passed EAP V Reading/Writing but need more experience in academic reading, writing, and grammar before pursuing the EAP/Grad VI Reading/Writing class. This academic class could also be chosen by ELI students in the general or culture tracks who want a more academic reading/writing class. First priority would be given to CAP students needing more academic work as mentioned above. This fills a gap between EAP V R/W and EAP/Grad VI R/W for students who do not meet the requirement for going directly between the two courses. [1]

Course Sequence:

  • Pre-requisite course is EAP V R/W for CAP students.
  • A passing grade in EAP Prep RW VI (ie. 73 or higher with no skill below C-) is required in order to proceed to EAP VI or Grad VI R/W.
  • EAP Prep RW VI is one option for students who have taken EAP V RW but are not eligible for EAP/Grad VI RW. Other options include General VI and R/Film VI.
  • Non-academic students may proceed to other level 6 R/W classes after this course.


Inside Reading 4: The Academic Word List in Context by Kent Richmond

Grammar and Beyond 4 by Bunting, Diniz ,and Reppen

Other materials: extra reading from  SALC sources

Reading practice:

Most of the reading textbook work would be done as reading and answering questions in class rather than for homework.  Reading homework would consist mostly of reading extensively from sources in the SALC.

Learning Outcomes for Reading:

  1. Demonstrate improvement in reading comprehension and speed.
  2. Demonstrate ability to identify main ideas and supporting details in a passage.
  3. Understand and use new vocabulary chosen from context.
  4. Demonstrate understanding and identify relationships between the parts of a reading passage (transitions, references)
  5. Demonstrate ability to  make inferences
  6. Demonstrate knowledge of  the basics of argument
  7. Demonstrate ability to separate fact from opinion
  8. Demonstrate ability to identify the author’s purpose and tone

Writing practice would include summaries and paraphrasing (see above), daily editing exercises, in-class writing of essays, short answer essay questions about the textbook reading passages, and synthesizing of articles researched by the students on topics from the reading text or the extra reading book. In preparation for research paper writing in EAP VI, students will learn to summarize, paraphrase, analyze, and synthesize academic articles.

Writing skills:

Students will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. 1.       write effective paragraphs and essays
  2. 2.       summarize and paraphrase
  3. 3.       synthesize at least three articles on the same topic
  4. 4.        use effective transitions and references

Grammar practice would include editing and proofreading practice exercises, editing of the students’ own work with the help of the teacher and tutors, correction by the class of sample sentences from students’ work (anonymously), writing paragraphs demonstrating a grammar point, and completing exercises in the grammar book.

Grammar skills:

Students will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. accurately use verb tenses in writing.
  2. correctly use parallel structure
  3. use articles more accurately.
  4. avoid use of fragments, run-ons, and comma splices
  5. proofread his/her own writing more accurately.
  6. use clauses and good sentence structure more consistently.



Quizzes on in-class readings- 40%

Summaries and paraphrasing from extra reading- 20%                                                                                    (this grade would be based on demonstrating understanding of the reading- the content of the writing)

Vocabulary quizzes/projects- 20%

Final reading test- 20%


Essays and short answer questions- 40 %

Summaries and paraphrasing (this grade would be based on the writing quality of the projects)-20%

Synthesis of articles-20%

Final in-class essay-20%


Quizzes on grammar book chapters-20%

Short writings demonstrating grammar points-30%

Grammar grades from in-class essay writing-30%

Final Grammar Exam-20%


[1] Currently a B average with no skill grade below B-

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