Curriculum Committee Final Report

ELI Curriculum Committee

2012-2013 Implementation Plan Final Report (April 2013)


1.  Continue regular review process with writing and speaking/pronunciation

  • Review of writing curriculum completed; proposed revisions accepted by the faculty and implemented (session IV, 2013).
  • Review of speaking/pronunciation curriculum began (April 2013) with committee review and request for input from level coordinators; to continue in 2013-2014.

2. Incorporate the source use guidelines into curricula and syllabi.

  • The committee reviewed the curricula and decided that large-scale changes were not needed. Teachers are reminded that the ELI uses APA style for writing assignments in EAP classes. Some aspects of the guidelines will be considered during review of the speaking curriculum.

4. Review new course proposals

  • No proposals were received and reviewed during this year.
  • All teachers are reminded that the committee welcomes new course proposals at any time. Please contact the chair or any committee member to discuss details or share ideas.

5. Explore methods to gather data from student evaluations and student tracking data (GPA, grades, and drop-out rates) in order to begin evaluating satisfaction and effectiveness of courses.

  • Joe Matterer has advised us that the University will be sending course evaluation  reports as spreadsheets starting soon, and this will allow data tracking to begin shortly.

6. Begin review of the implementation of the new grammar curriculum

  • Level coordinators were invited to share feedback from teachers in their levels. All teachers are welcome to send their thoughts on the revised grammar curriculum directly to any committee member. Review will continue into the next implementation plan cycle.



Proposed plan for 2013/2014

1. Continue the regular curriculum review process with speaking/pronunciation.

2. Review new course proposals (ongoing).

3. Gather and use data from student evaluations to evaluate satisfaction and effectiveness of courses.

4. Complete review of the 2012 revisions to the grammar curriculum.

5. Begin review of the 2013 revisions to the writing curriculum.

6. Incorporate BASIC level into the curriculum.


Respectfully submitted

Nigel Caplan (Chair) for the curriculum committee: Ken Cranker, Mike Fields, Jo Gielow, Ana Kim, Anne Owen, Kathy Vodvarka. (Ex officio: Karen Asenavage, Joe Matterer)

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