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With tremendous support from UD and the urging from the CBI community, we have formulated a plan to give CBI trainees unique   training   opportunities   in   local biopharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. The Graduate Student Office has agreed to fund up to eight student internships in industry, National Labs or collaborative laboratories within the University. In order to assist with these unique rotations, we have established partnerships with local industry and government laboratories (examples of companies include: Incyte, GSK, DuPont, Siemens Healthineers, and the NCI Chemical Biology Laboratory). In order to facilitate interactions with scientists at these companies, we have invited them to send scientists to attend our CBI seminar series. We note that students are not limited to these partners and could in principle choose others, for example a new collaborator either at UD or a local University, such as one of the participants in the local FCBIS community in the Mid-Atlantic. CBI Trainees will submit an application to the Program Co-Directors and the Advisory Committee to be selected to perform an 8-week summer rotation.


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