Prospective CBI Trainers will be evaluated on the basis of three criteria

Appropriateness of research interests to the Chemistry Biology Interface.

Demonstrated track record for significant funding (typically R01 level or equivalent).*

A demonstrated track record of mentoring graduate students.*

*Note: Pre-tenure, tenure-track faculty in their first faculty appointment are generally exempt from the last 2 criteria

Application process:

Full-time tenure-track faculty members from any UD department wishing to be considered to be CBI trainers should send the Program Coordinator, Jessica Pappas ( the following information. Applications will be evaluated, and acted upon, by the CBI Executive Committee.

  1. A statement: 1) expressing desire to be considered a CBI trainer; 2) describing research interests and how they align with the objectives of the Chemistry Biology Interface program; 3) describing appropriateness of current funding to your lab*; 4) providing graduate mentoring history*.
  2. A detailed resume or curriculum vitae. This should include a list of publications, funding history and science/education employment history (an NIH biosketch would be ideal).

*Note: Pre-tenure, tenure track faculty are exempt from these 2 criteria but may wish to comment on granting experience and/or expectations and other teaching or mentoring experience. Untenured faculty with imminent tenure decisions pending may be asked to reapply after tenure. Application materials will be shared with the full CBI Executive Committee for comments, and final decisions for inclusion as faculty trainers will be made by the Committee.

If you need any assistance with the application process, feel free to contact our Program Coordinator at:

Expectations for CBI Faculty Trainers are:

Maintain a high-quality funded research program.

Regularly attend CBI meetings/seminar program. Trainers should attend a minimum of three seminars per semester to remain in good standing.*

Be willing to take CBI trainees for rotation experiences.

Provide information necessary for renewal applications in a timely manner.

Participate in RCR (responsible conduct for research) training program.

Act in the best interests of CBI trainees and the CBI program in so much as reasonably achievable.

To support CBI multidisciplinary training of CBI trainees assigned to their lab. It is understood that in some cases class schedules and other obligations may preclude a trainer from participating in the seminar series. In such cases trainers should inform the program director of their conflicts. Trainers unable to attend the seminar series may be asked to participate in other CBI related activities such as recruitment, RCR (Responsible Conduct for Research), or training activities. Extended periods of absence from the program may result in reassignment of trainer status.

*Rationale: The program is regularly evaluated for the qualifications and level of participation of CBI trainers. The CBI seminar program is a co-learning experience which relies on both student and faculty participation.

Mentoring Requirement:

There is a new requirement added when the CBI program was renewed in 2019. Currently, CBI is funded under the following FOA:  PAR-17-341.  This is a new FOA for all T32s.  Embedded within the requirements are the need to assure that all CBI faculty trainers receive training in student mentoring.  CBI will now have to offer training and be required to document to the NIH that all University of Delaware CBI trainers have received training.

We have been extremely lucky to identify a mentoring program to provide training to our faculty in mentoring. Offered through a NIH funded Culturally Aware Mentoring (CAM) Study (, all CBI trainers will be required to participate in this training.

We are very excited about this program, as it will provide CBI with much needed opportunities to think about how we as faculty mentor students in our research laboratories.  The Director and Executive Committee of CBI firmly believe that the time trainers put into this mentoring program will pay back multiple times over through better lab environments.

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