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The annual CBI Symposium was postponed until Fall 2020. However, the CBI students at the University of Delaware, the University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins University, Stonybrook University, and the University of Maryland Baltimore County, have organized a virtual Symposium. 

The Symposium will include a professional development panel and Q&A session, as well as a COVID panel and Q&A session.

Please see the link below for registering to the symposium. We are also reaching out to ask for any questions you may have for the panelists beforehand, using the link below. 

Symposium Registration Link:

Please submit your questions to the panelists at the link below!

The professional development session will be Tuesday, May 12th at 11:30am and will feature:

1. Dr. Simone Sidoli, Assistant Professor at the Department of Biochemistry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Dr. Sidoli got his PhD in the lab of Dr. Ole N. Jensen at the University of Southern Denmark, where he studied the histone PTM landscape of embryonic stem cells using his own developed middle-down mass spectrometry (MS) workflow. He then moved on to post-doc in the lab of Dr. Benjamin A. Garcia at the University of Pennsylvania, where he studied human disease systems by developing a proteomics and computational pipeline to link cell signaling cascades (protein phosphorylation) with chromatin changes (histone modifications). Dr. Sidoli started his own lab at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in March of 2019. 

2. Dr. Anumita Saha-Shah, Senior Scientist, Analytical Chemistry, Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry, at Merck. Dr. Saha-Shah got her PhD in the lab of Dr. Lane A. Baker at Indiana University Bloomington, where she developed nanopipettes as nanofluidic probes for local sample MS analysis. She applied this technology as a postdoc in the lab of Dr. Benjamin A. Garcia at the University of Pennsylvania, where she established a proteomic platform to study Xenopus laevis embryonic development. She started as a Senior Scientist in the Analytical Chemistry & Proteomics group at Merck in February of 2019. 

3. Dr. Janet Reed, Partner at Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP. Janet E. Reed is a partner, and leads the intellectual property transactional and counseling practice, at Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP, a prominent law firm in Wilmington Delaware.  Janet has extensive experience in domestic and foreign patent prosecution, patent portfolio management and strategic planning, trademarks, evaluation of new technology, and drafting of license and other commercialization agreements.  Janet’s current passion is counseling small companies and entrepreneurs to give them a solid foundation in IP management and strategy as they grow and commercialize their technology.  In addition to her more than 30 years of legal background, Janet holds a Ph.D. in biochemistry and a Master’s degree in plant pathology.

4. Dr. Michelle Bond, NIH Program Director in the Division of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological Chemistry. Dr. Bond earned a B.S. in organic chemistry from Gettysburg College and a PhD in organic chemistry Stanford University. Following this, she conducted her postdoctoral work in the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (Laboratory of Cell and Molecular Biology), where she continued as an intramural NIH staff scientist. She is now a program director at the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and has expertise in navigating the NIH funding process. Dr. Bond administers research grants in glycoscience, carbohydrate chemistry, and natural products, and manages postdoctoral fellowship awards.

The COVID session will be Wednesday May 13th at 9am and will feature:

1. Dr. Carlos Simmerling, Professor at Stony Brook University, Modeling the “spike” on the surface of the COVID-19 virus and understanding how it interacts with the cell it infects

2. Dr. Carolyn Machamer, Professor at Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Basic virology of coronaviruses, Intracellular protein trafficking and coronavirus assembly in the Golgi complex

3. Dr. Susan Weiss, Professor at University of Pennsylvania, “Coronavirus life cycle: identification of potential targets for antiviral therapies”, basic CoV biology and pathogenesis


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