Course start and end dates

NEW – There are now course start and end dates on all Canvas course sites, including sites from all previous terms. Two weeks prior to the start of the semester, the course will open. If the course is published those enrolled will have access. End dates have...

Sites vs. Sections in Canvas

If you teach more than one section of the same course, should you request a single Canvas site, or one for each section? Yes. Either strategy can work well. Let’s look at each to see how the workflows differ.   “I was able to use the Canvas Utility to...

Canvas Feature Requests

Did you know that you can create, vote for, and contribute to new Canvas features? Instructure has instituted a 6 phase process, and you can get involved at (almost) any point by logging into the Canvas Community site. Phase 1- Gather Requests If you have an idea...

Canvas Release Notes

A new version of Canvas is released every three weeks.  Quite often, the new releases include awesome new features, and these are almost always easy to use, if only you knew enough to look for them. Less frequently, Canvas modifies existing features in ways you might...

Managing Announcements and Notifications

As the fall semester begins, IT staff members have received a number of inquiries related to notifications and sending announcements to students, especially with the growing number of instructors opting to use Canvas instead of Sakai. Below are some options and...