Canvas Course Site Creation FAQ

On this page:


When will the Canvas site for my catalog course be created?

Canvas sites for official catalog courses are created automatically when released by the Registrar’s Office.  An announcement will be made on the Canvas gateway page when they become available.  Once created, you will see the sites in the unpublished courses section on your Canvas Dashboard and in your Courses list.  Please confirm your Canvas course sites before the start of each term and verify you have sites for all courses you are assigned to teach.  If you do not see a course site, please check with your department scheduler to check official scheduling information.


Where is my missing Canvas course site?

If you do not see a site for a course you are teaching on your Dashboard, first check if the course is part of a multiple-section site.  It may be that the course site is combined with another site.  If not, verify that you are listed as instructor-of-record for the course.  Sometimes “Staff” is listed instead of your name.  If you are not, contact your Schedule of Classes (SOC), Departmental Contact.  Your departmental contact can update UDSIS. Information on Course Scheduling/SOC Instructions is provided by the Office of the University Registrar.  Finally, if you are the instructor-of-record in UDSIS and do not see the course, please email  Include in your message the course and  section you are teaching so that we can troubleshoot the problem.  Changes made through UDSIS will appear the following day in your Canvas sites.

Catalog courses that are considered independent study (sections 000 – 009) are not created automatically.  To request a site for an independent study course, please complete the Miscellaneous Site Request form and use the “Independent Study” option.  Include the course code so that the site can be named appropriately.  Student enrollment and enrollment changes in these sites must be maintained manually by the instructor.


Can I have a Canvas site to develop content and test features?

Please complete the Miscellaneous Site Request form to request a staging site for course development.  Staging sites cannot be published, and students cannot be enrolled.  You may request multiple staging sites, but if you have a staging site already that you no longer use, reset it to permanently remove all content.  Once your course development is complete, you may export your course content and save your course export file locally for future use.


How do I request a non-catalog course site in Canvas? 

If you need to request a site for a course other than an official catalog course, please submit your request using the Miscellaneous Site Request form using the “Other” option to explain your needs.



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