Confirming Your Course Sites

It is important for every faculty member to confirm your Canvas course sites for all courses you are assigned to teach.  If you do not see a course site, reach out to the Registrar’s Office or your Scheduler of Classes (SOC) department contact to verify scheduling information.

The automated Canvas course site creation process adheres to FERPA guidelines, and you should review the Canvas and other learning management tools section of the Office of the Registrar’s FERPA Considerations for Faculty webpage before requesting any changes.

Requesting Changes

If you wish to request a change to your course site combinations, you must complete the Canvas@UD Course Combination Change Request form.  Changes can include combining sections that were expected to be combined (i.e., sections 194 and 195 not combined into one site) and separating sections that were combined (i.e., a combined section 080 Honors section that needs its own site).  All requests require review and approval from the Registrar’s Office.  If approved, IT Academic Technology Services (IT-ATS) will manually make the adjustments in the order received.   Please make sure your Canvas course sites contain no content and are unpublished.  Changes to Canvas course sites cannot be made if student work has been submitted, and changes will not be made once the term starts.

Getting Ready for the Term

You may build your new course site manually or import content into your new course site from another site.  You may also like to review the IT-ATS UD template course available each term in the Canvas Commons.  Each template provides a framework from which instructors can build their own course and includes a set of Canvas Pages customized for the University of Delaware.  Instructions are located in the first module.

To find the template, click the Commons link in the Canvas blue global navigation bar.  Featured template courses appear at the top of of page. Click on the course to preview, and import it into your site from the link in the right sidebar.


  • Students are enrolled in your site when created and enrollment is updated nightly.
  • Students cannot view your course until published.
  • Review the Start of Term Checklist to make sure your Canvas course site is ready!

If you have any questions about your Canvas course sites, IT-Academic Technology Services staff is always available at the IT-ATS Welcome Bar or you can send your questions to



Date Change Log
04/29/2024 Updated resources links for changes made by the Registrar’s Office