Starting June 1, 2024, two policies outlined in the LMS Guidelines, Practices and Procedures document will be updated.

Enrollment of Additional Faculty or Administrative Personnel:  Requests submitted by the instructor of record, Dean, or Department Chair to enroll additional faculty or administrative personnel into a Canvas course site(s) will be made on a temporary basis only.  Enrollments processed through the Canvas-Request Enrollment in a Course Site form will be effective for thirty days from the day of processing.  At the end of the temporary enrollment period, the enrollment will be automatically removed from the course.  If continued access is needed, another enrollment request must be submitted.  The preferred method to share your course content with another instructor requires no enrollment – export your course content (Settings -> Export Course Content) and share the export file with the  instructor to import into their own course or staging site.  For more information, consult the Canvas guides, How do I export a Canvas course? and How do I import a Canvas course export package?   If you are enrolling another user in your current site, please see the Canvas@UD FAQ, How do I add other instructors to my course site?  Making this change will prevent instructors from being enrolled in other users’ sites when no longer needed and alleviate any FERPA concerns about extended enrollment.

Course Creation:  Non-catalog course sites (“special use sites”) requested using the miscellaneous site request form will have default course dates set beginning with the date of course creation and ending one year from that date.  The Registrar’s Office has provided FERPA guidelines for non-catalog course sites, Important FERPA and other guidelines for special use “non-catalog” courses, which include setting term dates to control the visibility of the course  and participation by students and to properly concludes the course.  If your non-catalog site is associated with a specific term (for example, 24 Spring), please indicate that term in the site request form.  Associating a term will automatically define dates in the same manner as catalog course sites.  As the owner of a non-catalog course site, you may edit the default dates in your course Settings to reflect the needs of your course.  For more information, please see the Canvas guide, How do I change the start and end dates for a course?  Making this change will ensure that all non-catalog sites at least have default course dates and will avoid these sites remaining active indefinitely.

If you have any questions about the changes or about how to use Canvas effectively, IT-Academic Technology Services staff is always available at the IT-ATS Welcome Bar or you can send your questions to