(Revised: September 2006)
I. Name
The name of this Association is the University of Delaware Association of Retired Faculty (UDARF).
II. Objectives and Functions
The purposes of this Association are:
A. To advance the well-being of its members.
B. To aid in the University’s activities and purposes.
C. To promote beneficial relations between the Association and the University.
III. Membership
A. Regular Membership
Faculty designated by the University as retired or emeritus are Regular Members with voting rights.
B. Honorary Membership.
Honorary Membership is intended mainly for professional staff who have had significant long-term responsibilities for students, faculty or alumni.
C. Affiliate Membership
Spouses of regular and honorary members may become non-voting Affiliate Members.
D. Resignation
Resignations of Officers and Members should be submitted to the Executive Committee.
IV. Officers
A. The elected officers of the Association shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
B. The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall perform the normal duties of their offices.
V. Executive Committee
A. The management of the Association shall be vested in an Executive Committee consisting of the Officers of the Association, the immediate past President, and such other members as it appoints.
B. The Executive Committee shall oversee the property and business of the Association.
C. The term of office for members of the Executive Committee shall be two years.
D. The Executive Committee may make appointments to vacancies for unexpired terms.
E. Honorary Memberships are extended by the Executive Committee.
F. The Executive Committee may, subject to membership approval within 60 days, effect the removal of an officer.
VI. Finances
A. The Treasurer shall oversee and report on the Association’s finances and prepare periodic reports for the Executive Committee.
VII. Other Committees
A. A three member Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President with the advice of the Executive Committee (see Elections IX) by February 1 of even numbered years and shall report to the Executive Committee by March 1. The nominees shall be reported to the membership with the notice of the May meeting.
B. Standing committees may be established by the Executive Committee.
C. Ad hoc committees may be appointed by the President. Such committees expire after the May meeting.
VIII. Meetings
A. The Annual Meeting of the Association shall ordinarily be held in May.
B. The Executive Committee shall meet, normally on a quarterly basis, at the call of the President, or upon the request of a majority of the Committee, but not less than semi-annually.
IX. Elections
A. Voting members of the Association are entitled to vote for its Officers and such other matters brought by the Executive Committee before the Association, in person, electronically, or by post.
B. The Nominating Committee shall report to the Executive Committee (see VII. A) by March 1 and voting instruction should be received by the membership by April 1. Properly executed ballots must be received prior to the May meeting.
C. Voting procedures shall be specified by the Executive Committee.
X. Adoption of Parliamentary Authority
The current edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall govern in meetings of the Association.
XI. Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority of the member ballots properly received by the UDARF office. Notices of proposed amendments shall be sent to members’ addresses of record at least thirty days before the receipt date specified on the ballot.
XII. Dissolution
Upon dissolution of this Association, its assets shall be transferred to and vested in its successor or otherwise to the University of Delaware.