Cooperative Extension Entomology Agricultural Technician

Description: The Agricultural Extension Entomology group provides farmers and consultants with guidance and support for insect pests in field and vegetable crops throughout the state. The program maintains insect traps, surveys grower fields for insect pests and beneficial insects, and conducts insecticide efficacy trials in both field and vegetable crops. Duties include plot maintenance, field sampling with sweep net and magnifying glass, plot harvesting and grading, and data collection and entry.

Applicants MUST be willing to work outside under hot and humid conditions and have a valid driver’s license. Attention to detail and good record keeping are required. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older.

Perks: Free produce and sun tanning
Salary: hourly wage, $13/hour, average 30 hours/week
Duration: Approximately May to beginning of school semester or mid-September, with possible extension to beginning of October

Contact: Dr. David Owens, 16483 County Seat Highway, Georgetown DE;; (302) 698-7125.
