Broad Charge
The Faculty Senate Bylaws specify that:
This committee shall recommend the policies governing the granting of student honors, and shall administer such policies as are adopted by the faculty or its Senate, and approved by the Board of Trustees. It may also recommend to the President nominees for faculty honors and for graduate-student honors.
It shall consist of one member from each college, one of whom shall be chairperson; two undergraduate students, and one graduate student; an appointee of the President; and a designee of the Director of the University Honors Program.
Major Recurring Tasks
- To administer the Excellence in Teaching and the Excellence in Undergraduate Advising and Mentoring Awards
- To administer the Francis Alison Faculty Award
Guiding Philosophy
The Committee is committed to:
- Transparency and integrity in the awards process
- Broad participation by the UD community in nominating candidates
- Encouraging faculty excellence by publicly honoring individuals who have won the Excellence and Alison awards