Curriculum Vita and Other Information


Steven D. Brown

Willis F. Harrington Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry

University of Delaware

Prof. Brown received the B.S. degree (summa cum laude) from Portland State University in 1972, where he did undergraduate research in synthetic inorganic chemistry and molecular spectroscopy with Profs. Gary Gard and Thomas Loehr. In 1978, Prof. Brown received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Washington, where he worked under the direction of Prof. Bruce Kowalski. He has since served on the chemistry faculty at the University of California, Berkeley and Washington State University prior to joining the faculty at the University of Delaware in 1986, where he is now Willis F. Harrington Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry. He was North American Editor and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Chemometrics for 20 years. He consults widely in work concerning data analysis and chemometrics. He serves as an officer in the International Chemometrics Society and has served as Chair of the Washington-Idaho Section of the American Chemical Society (from 1983-4), Interim Chair of the North American Chapter of the International Chemometrics Society  (from 1988-90), Chair of the University IACUC (from 2007-2011) and as Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Delaware (from 1997-2002).

Prof. Brown retired in 2021.

His research interests encompassed many aspects of the application of computers to informatics and to chemical analysis and chemical structure elucidation, including the development and application of novel methods of artificial intelligence and machine learning in chemical systems, transfer and strengthening of multivariate calibrations, novel methods of classification, signal processing methods, neural networks and wavelet analysis.

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Last revision: 1 January 2021

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