CHEM 220 (Quantitative Analysis) Syllabus for Spring, 2017
Prof. Steven Brown
Office: 239 Brown Laboratory
Office Hours: TR 1100, T 1300
Voice mail/Telephone: 831-6861 E-mail:
1010-1100 MWF Spring 2017 206 BrL
Required Texts and other Items
Analytical Chemistry 2.0, by David Harvey, self-published e-book, 2009. Obtained from Project/AnalyticalChemistry2.0.html and made available for free on Sakai. This is a complete revision of Harvey’s 1999 text Modern Analytical Chemistry, published by McGraw-Hill. It complements Harris well, offers solved problems and emphasizes Excel and R software. This text is designated as AC in the schedule and assignments.
Quantitative Chemical Analysis, by D.C. Harris, 9th Ed., W.H. Freeman and Co., New York, NY, copyright 2016. ISBN-13: 978-1-4641-3538-5 (hardback, no Sapling). The UD Bookstore offers two bundles: ISBN-13 : 978-1-319-04405-3 for a bundle consisting of the hardback book and a six-month Sapling Homework subscription, or the (somewhat cheaper) loose-leaf version of Harris with the Sapling subscription is ISBN-13: 978-1-319-04406-0. The UD Bookstore should have these bundles in stock. You can, of course, purchase from a vendor other than the UD bookstore, unless you have UD-based financial support that requires purchase of books from the bookstore. Get whatever form of Harris works for you, but you will need the book, as I will expect you to read it. While I don’t recommend it, you can use earlier editions of Harris if you want; however, I will provide course information and assignments for the 9th Ed. only. Those purchasing the text in hardcopy may want to know that this is a new edition of Harris, so the price for a used copy of Harris 9th Ed. should be stable for the next year or so – but there are relatively few used copies available at the moment. If you plan to take Chem 437 soon, retain your copy of Harris. The text is used in that course, too. This textbook is designated as DCH in the schedule and assignments.
Sapling Homework System: Whatever version of Harris you choose to purchase, you will need to purchase and set up a six-month subscription to Sapling Homework. You can purchase this as a bundle with Harris (see above) or you can purchase this subscription separately, on-line, from Sapling. The Sapling software is set up to be tightly coupled to the Harris e-book, so, if you get the e-book version of Harris, the Sapling software should direct you to the appropriate section of Harris if you have trouble on a particular homework problem. You can do this yourself (a useful skill to master, no?) if you have the hardcopy or loose-leaf versions.
You can access Sapling Learning from the Sapling website, where you can set up your Sapling account and set up access to the course homework materials. The instructions are provided at the site.
i>Clicker: We will use clickers in this course, and access to your own i>clicker is required. The clicker will be registered to you in this class, but it can be used in several classes. Bring your clicker to every class every day. For more info about clickers, see the UD Clicker FAQ page.
The i>clicker 2 is available from the UD Bookstore or other vendors. Note that the i>clicker 2 is the current UD standard; if you use other versions, you bear all the risks associated with that choice.
The i>clicker 2 packaging instructs students to register the device at the website, but UD students should register clickers locally. You can register with the Sakai i>clicker tool on the Sakai site for Chem 220 or at the UD Clicker site. Complete instructions for both registration options can be found in the pdf files included with UD software.
Excel Software: Students should have access to a version of Excel or an equivalent software package (e.g., MacOS Numbers). We will use the Excel package in the statistics section and elsewhere throughout the semester.
Curtiplot software for chemical equilibria uses Excel. This package comes from Prof. Gutz at the University of Sao Paulo, in Brazil at
The curtiplot package allows calculation of complex equilibria and gives distributions of the species. It is available here without charge on Sakai.
There may also be readings from handouts and papers from the literature available for download at the Chem 220 site on Sakai. You will need to be registered for the course as a student or as a listener to gain access to the Sakai site. All material on the Sakai site is copyrighted by the holder; your use of these materials is conditioned on your acceptance of the copyright terms.
Learning Resources:
Sapling Homework is used to reinforce student learning in this course by providing instant feedback on the homework.
This course will be recorded to allow repeated viewing of lectures. Registered students in the course may find the captures listed by date at: Full lecture notes will be made available in advance (in PDF format) online, through Sakai. You are expected to attend lecture and to read or view any material that I provide on Sakai.
Help is available at no cost though the Academic Enrichment Center, where tutors can be found to help with course concepts. Both group and individual tutorial sessions are offered. Mrs. Staib (BrL 102) has a list of for-pay tutors who can help with the material covered in this class. See me before choosing a for-pay tutor.
Student feedback on instruction:
I will ask for student feedback at midterm for course/instructor improvement purposes. There will also be an end-of-term student evaluation with a supplement to departmental student evaluation form.
Catalog Description
Chemistry 220 is an overview course covering a variety of basic methods of analysis using “classical” chemical analysis based on the application of equilibrium theory to chemical instrumentation.
As a required course for Chemistry and Biochemistry undergraduate majors who do not take Chem 120, the course is intended for second-year, undergraduate chemistry and biochemistry majors and well-prepared students in closely allied fields. The course provides a background in basic equilibrium calculations, data analysis, and practice in classical chemical titrimetric analysis and elementary instrumental analysis using electrochemical, spectroscopic and chromatographic measurements. The student in Chem 220 is presumed to taken Chem 10X or to have otherwise gained a background in basic chemical stoichiometry, equilibrium theory and acid base reactions, error propagation, and simple statistics.
Topics introduced in Chem 220 include the quantitative treatments of chemical equilibrium in formation of complexes, in redox reactions, and in solvent extraction, and the theory and practice of chromatographic separations with brief introductions to modern chemical analysis based on electrochemical theory and measurements and to quantitative measurements of the absorption of light by chemical systems.
Course Requirements and Policies
Course Enrollment Requirement Policy:
This course is an introduction to chemical measurement and its use in quantitative analysis of chemical samples. Students are expected to be familiar with basic thermodynamics, introductory equilibrium theory, chemical nomenclature and properties of simple acids and bases from an earlier course in 1st-year college-level chemistry. Students should also have some knowledge of basic statistical concepts and significant figures. Introductory experience with Excel or other basic computational software is expected.
Note: Enrollment in a section of Chem 221 is required to maintain enrollment in Chem 220 unless you have a passing grade in Chem 221 from previous enrollment.
Academic Honesty Policy:
You are encouraged to become familiar with The University’s Policy of Academic Honesty found in the UD Student Guide to University Policies at . More on the whole issue of academic integrity can be found at . Policies delineated in the Catalog apply to this course. All answers to homework sets for Chem 220 course should be your own, and all work on the examinations must be done entirely independently. Please be aware that by turning any work into the instructor of this course, you acknowledge being made aware of the academic honesty policy and affirm your adherence to both the letter and spirit of the policy.
Clicker Question Policy:
Each class, there may be several clicker questions embedded in the lecture. Your response to these questions will be recorded and your answers will determine the clicker score you earn for the course. The score is determined as follows: any answer to a clicker question scores as 1 clicker point, but a correct answer scores as 10 clicker points. The clicker score will be determined by the total clicker points/(10*total clicker questions). A clicker score of 50% or higher earns 30 points. Scores between 0 and 50% earn a corresponding fraction of the 30 points; a percentage of 0% earns 0 points. Clicker points cannot be made up, even for excused absences. You may not re-take clicker questions to improve your score. All clicker questions given in lecture prior to an exam are considered material subject to examination, even though these questions will NOT appear in the published notes. Students can hear and see the clicker questions – and get their answers – in the recordings of the lectures on UD Capture.
While consultation and collaboration between students is permitted on clicker questions, in keeping with the UD Code of Conduct: Cheating, section A.2.c, articles v and vi., any attempt to use more than one clicker per student attending this class is subject to academic dishonesty ramifications.
Assignments Policy:
Homework will be assigned in lecture. Note that Sapling sets will include some problems (most of which are fairly difficult) that I will not score; you are not required to complete these, but you won’t be penalized if you try them.
Collaboration is allowed on homework, but all answers submitted must be your own. Homework deadlines are posted and you are expected to meet these deadlines. Late work will generally be penalized, but work missed for a reason (documented illness, work- or conference-related travel, etc.) can be made up without penalty. If you have a problem and cannot make the deadline, please let the instructor know. I may be able to allow some extra time for a once-only problem.
Any homework assigned with a due date prior to the date of an exam is eligible for inclusion on that exam. Lecture materials given prior more than 2 days prior to the exam date will generally be eligible for inclusion on the exam. Sakai materials posted one week prior to the exam date are considered eligible for inclusion.
Attendance and Excused Absences Policy:
Though formal attendance is not taken at lecture, you are expected to attend all scheduled lectures and to pay careful attention while in the lecture. Information provided in lecture may not always be duplicated on the class web site. You are responsible for all information given in lecture, whether or not you are in attendance.
The class policy on absences follows the University policy, which can be found here. Any absences from exams should be reported to the class instructor, if possible, in advance of the exam, and the student missing an exam will need to provide an excuse note to be offered a make- up exam. Absences will be excused for medical reasons (serious illness requiring a doctor’s care), family emergencies, some (but not all) University sanctioned events, and employer-required absences. Scheduled absences must be made known in writing to the course instructor in advance so that arrangements can be made for adjustment of due dates of class and laboratory assignments. Scheduled absences may require an e-mail from the Dean’s Office or from the employer to support student claims.
Minor absences may be excused at the discretion of the course instructor on a case-by-case basis, depending on the reason for the absence and what course material is missed.
Special Accommodations Policy:
Students requesting special accommodations in Chem 220 must already be registered with UD’s Disabilities Support Services or Academic Enrichment Center, as appropriate. Those students should contact the course instructor well in advance (> 2 wks) of any course activity to arrange for special accommodations that follow the terms of the arrangements set by the Support staff.
E-Mail Policy:
The instructor does not use Twitter, text messaging or other social media (e.g., Facebook), so important notices and correction of errors will be sent to the e-mail distribution list linked to Sakai for the class to provide the fastest dissemination of the information. The registrar will include your campus e-mail account on these class distribution lists, so plan to check it regularly.
The instructor makes every effort to respond promptly to e-mailed questions or concerns from students. Be aware that because University filters may trap and remove mail – especially external mail – under some circumstances, the instructor may not receive or be able to respond to e-mail originating from some off-campus e-mail accounts. Contact by UD e-mail is advised.
Cell Phone and Laptop Policy:
Placing and receiving phone calls, using laptops/phones/tablets to access the internet or to check Facebook accounts, and texting in class is disruptive and discourteous to your fellow students and to the instructor. You are welcome to bring a smartphone, tablet or laptop to use in following or recording lectures and you may use it to find an answer to clicker questions, but you may not access a smartphone, laptop or tablet for other purposes. If you do, and you disrupt the class in the opinion of the instructor, you forfeit your right to attend this class, and you may be asked to leave the lecture.
Note: Accessing a laptop, cell phone, tablet, ipod or any other device (except an approved calculator) during any Chem 220 exam may result in the immediate expulsion of the student from the exam.
Grading, Evaluation Policies and Procedures:
The course will be marked on the basis of your performance on homework, on clicker questions, on the best 2 of 3 midterm exams and on a final exam. The grade given will be determined on the basis of the total number of points earned.
The distribution of points is as follows:
Homework : 150 pts
Clicker points: 30 pts
MidTerm Exams (lowest score is dropped): 200 pts
Final Examination (5/18-5/25/2017): 120 pts
TOTAL: 500 pts
All grade disputes must be submitted no later than 5 business days after the graded work has been returned. A decision on the dispute will be made promptly and the new grade will be made available to you on Sakai.
UD holidays, UD closures (for any reason) and Spring Break do not count as business days for disputes.
Grading Scale:
>425 pts A
375-424 pts B
250-374 pts C
200-249 pts D
< 200 pts F
(+ and – grades are given; boundaries for these are determined by student performance)
The average grade earned by previous students in this course offered by this instructor has been C.
Tentative Schedule for Lectures:
All lectures are scheduled for 1010-1100 MWF in 206 Brown Laboratory.
This schedule is approximate and may vary to reflect scheduling changes and student needs. Entire chapters are indicated here, but we will usually only read parts of these. Specifics will be provided in lecture.
Week of |
Topics to be Covered |
Reading Assignment |
2/6/17 |
Introduction to Course/ Unit Operations |
DCH-1, DCH-2, AC-1, AC-2, AC-3 |
2/13/17 |
Propagation of Error and Statistics |
DCH-3, DCH-4, AC-4 |
2/20/17 |
A Systematic Approach to Equilibrium (Add/Drop period ends 2/20/17) |
DCH-6, DCH-8, AC-6 |
2/27/17 |
Monoprotic Acids/Bases |
DCH-9 Exam #1* (3/3/17) |
3/6/17 |
Polyprotic Acids/Bases |
DCH-10 |
3/13/17 |
Titrations |
DCH-7, DCH-11, AC-9 |
3/20/17 |
Compleximetric analysis with EDTA and Advanced Equilibrium |
DCH-12, DCH-13 |
3/27/17 |
Spring Break (no classes meet) |
no assignment |
4/3/17 |
Introduction to Electrochemistry |
Exam #2* (4/7/17) |
4/10/17 |
Fundamentals of Spectrophotometry (Last date for withdrawal 4/10/17) |
DCH-14, AC-11 |
4/17/17 |
Applications of Spectrophotometry |
DCH-18, AC-10 |
4/24/17 | Introduction to Separations Theory | DCH-19 DCH-23, AC-12 |
5/1/17 | Chromatography |
DCH-24, AC-12 Exam #3* (5/5/17) |
5/8/17 | Chromatography and Electrophoresis | DCH-25, DCH-26, AC-12 |
5/15/17 |
Review Final Examination* 5/18-25/2017 |
Review Course Materials |
(N.B. : the help sheet is graded: 0, 5 or 10 points are awarded based on the organization and effort shown in preparation of the sheet)
General course information
Course pre-requisites:
Prerequisite courses are Chem 102, Chem 104, Chem 105, or Chem 112, and concurrent enrollment in Chem 221 is required.
This course presumes some basic knowledge of chemical equilibrium at the level of Chem 104 or its equivalent and assumes competency in algebra. The student is also assumed to have some exposure to use of spreadsheet software such as Excel.
Course Description:
Study of the principles of design and application of basic analytical methods relying on chemical equilibrium and simple spectroscopic, chromatographic and electroanalytical techniques to the solution of chemical problems. A required, three-credit, survey course intended for majors in Chemistry and Biochemistry or closely related subjects.
Course Objectives:
This course (and its companion laboratory course) focuses on the development of quantitative measurement and computational skills relevant to the chemical and biochemical sciences and on the strengthening of laboratory and theoretical skills developed in the earlier Chem 10X course.
At the completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Calculate amounts from basic titrimetric analyses using metal complexing agents, acid/bases, and redox reactions.
2. Calculate concentrations and thermodynamic quantities based on measurement of electrochemical cell potential and current.
3. Evaluate quantitative measurements of concentration via absorption of light by chemical mixtures and chemical calibration.
4. Evaluate quantitative separations of simple mixtures using solvent extraction equilibria and simple chromatography.
5. Propagate error in a measured quantity and determine the confidence interval of a measurement.
6. Compare measured quantities using simple statistical tests.
Students completing this course should be able to understand and to critically evaluate classical analyses based on titrations and basic instrumental measurement techniques from spectroscopy, chromatography, and electrochemistry. Students should be able to perform basic calibration and propagation of error.
Completion of this course will provide the student a foundation for more advanced work in measurement-oriented chemistry.
Departmental Objectives:
This course meets Departmental Objectives 1 and 6.
Teaching Assistant Information:
Name |
Office |
Office Hours |
Yehia Khalifa | |
Desk 465T
ISE Bldg
900M,900T |
Marcie Wiggins | |
005 LDL |
1300M, 900R |
Last Updated: 16 February 2017
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