SCPAB Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can I get more involved in SCPAB?

SCPAB is always open to new members! We meet every Tuesday at 5pm in the Perkins Gallery. Just come on in and listen to each executive board member explain what they’re up to that week and volunteer for the events that you’re free to work. The meetings are the best place to start to get more involved.

SCPAB is organized under 8 Executive Board positions; President, Vice President (VP) of Membership, Vice President (VP) of Finance, Vice President (VP) of Variety, VP of Films, VP of Design, VP of Public Relations, and VP of Major Events. Each position has chair positions, which are also a great way to get involved. Chairs go through a nomination process usually in the spring and then get interviewed, but always listen up in case positions open. Exec board positions are determined by elections in the spring. In order to be nominated for an executive board position you must have been a member in the semester before you are running. The same applies for chairs. Please check our Constitution on the website for more details.

2. What is SCPAB?

It stands for Student Centers Programming Advisory Board. We work under the office of Activities and Programs, which is a division of the Office of Student Life. Check out our website to see the events we run! We have films every Friday and Saturday, and various other exciting events throughout the semester!

3. We have a movie theater!? Where?

That’s right, what kind of student center would Trabant be without a theater! The Trabant Theater is where SCPAB shows it’s weekly films series. It’s in the basement of Trabant. If you come in from Main Street, take your first left down the stairs. No food or drinks, please!

4. Where and when can I buy movie tickets?

Tickets for showing on Friday and Saturday are $3. Great, right? The tickets can be purchased at the Trabant box office the week before the movie is playing during their regular hours, from 10-3pm. Or, on movie days the box office opens an hour before show time.

5. What’s the deal with the black t shirts?

That’s how you can recognize SCPAB-ers! SCPAB staff  working at events wear black t shirts that say “Event Staff” on the back and “SCPAB” on the front. T shirts are offered to members with at least 3 points. Members should ask someone on the executive board after a general meeting for a t shirt before they work their next event.

6.  So how can I become a member?

Membership works like this:

a. Come to general meetings every Tuesday at 5 pm in Trabant 209/211. You must have ¾ attendance in order to be a member. This means you must sign the attendance sheet at ¾ of the meetings or else respond to the minutes after the meetings saying you read the minutes.  Always include your name in that email!

b. Earn 6 points. You get points by volunteering at events. Most events are worth 1 point each, but larger events such as working crew for a major event are often times worth more than 1 point. Exec will tell you.

7.  Where do I suggest events or movies or performers?

We’re always happy to hear about suggestions. Email president@scpab.com with your idea or place it in our suggestion box that is located in our office, Perkins 019J. Once we receive your idea we’ll do our best to look into it.

8. I’m an RSO [registered student organization] on campus, and I would like to co-sponsor an event with SCPAB. How do I do that?

Great! We love working with other RSOs. Check out our website, and click on the “co-sponsor” button on the bottom of the page. Just fill out that form and mail it to president@scpab.com. All co-sponsor requests will be reviewed at our Executive board meetings on Thursdays at 8am.

9. Not finding the answer to your question here?

Be sure to contact us! Our office is Perkins 019J. You can also email our president at president@scpab.com.  Or you can contact other executive member boards and officers and their information is on the website, under “members in Executive Board”. Let us know what you need to know!



on “FAQ
3 Comments on “FAQ
  1. Hello,
    I’m a freshman and I’m doing a group project for an Entrepreneurship class. The project is a mock business startup, where we crate our own venture idea. Our group’s idea is an off-campus social event. We would love to meet with somebody from SCPAB who can give us some advice and input on how to successfully run an event for students of UD! It would be great if we could arrange a time to meet, or if I can be directed to somebody who I can email with questions on logistics of hosting an event for UD students.

    Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from SCPAB!
    Kerri Mottola

  2. I have an unpaid invoice from Dan & Shay concert on May 16, 2014.
    I was contacted by the State of Delaware Finance Department to provide various forms and numbers. After several months of tracking the proper people/office to receive these forms and numbers, I asked why this invoice remains unpaid. I was told that it needs to be sent to the University of Delaware, where all this had started in May prior to the concert. Several weeks before this event, I had been paid promptly from the Aaron Carter concert without any additional paperwork. Could you please send an address or a name to allow this to proceed.
    Thanks You,
    David Neiser

    • Hi David,

      I have forwarded this to the right people and it has been taken care of. We sincerely apologize for this oversight, and the check will be put in the mail today. We will confirm with you once it is in the mail.

      -Rachel, VP of Public Relations

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