
Summer Workshop FAQ

Q: Will guidance counselors and principals be paid to attend?

A: Unfortunately not. The stipends are reserved for the teachers for the whole week. We are inviting counselors and principals and district leaders on the first day to learn about careers and education paths in computing, and impacts of computing on society and how their school can participate.


Q: Is the workshop a good fit for teachers like myself, who are not CS teachers, but want to integrate CS skills into their curriculum?

A: Yes, we will focus on some of the units of the CS Principles course, which is an upcoming AP course. You can integrate these units into an existing course next year. See CS Principles course for more information from the collegeboard.


Q: Is the workshop meant for teachers who already are skilled in programming or would it also be appropriate for someone at an intermediate level?

A: Yes, we are reaching out to teachers with different levels of programming experience.


Q: What technology will I need to take this course and to integrate these concepts into my classroom?

A: The concepts will include activities that do not require a computer as well as activities that use Scratch, (or Snap!) which can be downloaded for free on almost any platform.


Q: How is selection done?

A: We are looking for teachers who are committed to implementing what they learn and practice during the workshop into their existing courses and eventually incorporating a CS Principles course in their high school. Selection will consider balance between high school and middle school teachers, and covering various schools and districts that are committed to integrating CS principles beyond using technology.


Q: What do I need to bring to the workshop?

A: We want energetic teachers who are committed to working together on lesson plans, discussions, and helping each other implement CS in their courses. Please bring your own laptop.  If you cannot bring one, we’ll provide one for you, but these tend to be older machines and you won’t be able to make and save local documents.


Q: If I attend the workshop, am I guaranteed in-class support in the fall?

A: All attendees will have electronic access to shared resources and discussions, and the three Saturday half-day follow-up sessions. UD undergraduates will visit as many classrooms as we can manage in the Fall, but scheduling and transportation issues won’t be fully known until September.


Couldn’t find your question above? Please contact us at partner4cs@udel.edu and we will do our best to address your concerns.