DE CS Education Summit

March 28, 2019
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What is the Delaware CS Summit?

On March 28, 2019, Partner4CS and the Delaware Department of Education will jointly host a Summit for Computer Science Education at Clayton Hall on the University of Delaware campus in Newark, Delaware.  The summit is supported by the National Science Foundation.


This conference is designed for…

  • State leaders interested in computer science education

  • Industry and business partners

  • Non-profits interested in computer science education

  • District administrators

  • College counselors

  • School administrators

  • K-12 teachers

  • Higher education faculty

2019 Conference Agenda

Click the button below to view the agenda for our upcoming 2019 Delaware CS Education Summit

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You don’t want to miss these two keynotes!

Carol Fletcher

Carol Fletcher

Deputy Director, Director of Outreach for the University of Texas STEM Center

WeTeach_CS and You Can Too: Scaling Capacity in CSEd Statewide

Dr. Carol Fletcher is the Deputy Director and Director of Outreach for the UT STEM Center. In that capacity, she directs several statewide collective impact professional development programs for STEM teachers such as WeTeach_CS, the Texas Teacher Externship project, and the TRC, serving over 10,000 educators annually through 90+ projects involving all 20 Education Service Centers, 40+ colleges and universities, and ~ 800 school districts. She also serves as PI for the 2 NSF research projects focused on broadening participation in computing. The Expanding Computing Education Pathways (ECEP) Alliance seeks to increase the number and diversity of students in the pipeline to computing and computing-intensive degrees by supporting state-level computing education reforms in 22 states and Puerto Rico. AWSM in CS focuses on increasing participation of young women in high school computing courses.

Carol has been elected to 6 terms on the Pflugerville ISD Board of Trustees since 2001, serving as Board President for five years. She is active in legislative and school finance issues as well as issues related to STEM education and school accountability. Her experiences as a teacher, policymaker, parent and university administrator result in a unique perspective on the challenges and potential solutions our country faces regarding STEM education and workforce development. As a result, she has served in numerous leadership roles that bridge the gap between education, workforce, and policy such as the Chair of the Texas Computer Science Task Force, CS4TX Steering Committee, Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Legislative Advisory Council, the Comptroller’s Financial Allocation Study for Texas (FAST) Advisory Board, the Texas Education Agency’s STEM Educator Standards Committee, E3 College and Career Success Leadership Team, NSF’s Texas Girls Collaborative Project Champions Board, and the UTeach Advisory Board.

Jennifer Rosato

Jennifer Rosato

College of St. Scholastica

It Takes a Village – Supporting New CS Teachers

Jennifer Rosato is Director of the National Center for Computer Science Education, which champions, researches and provides equitable computer science learning opportunities for K16 teachers and students. Rosato has a BA in Biochemistry from St. Scholastica and a MA in Information Systems Management from Carnegie Mellon University. She is committed to bringing computer science to all students, in particular by supporting K-12 educators and schools in efforts to integrate and offer computer science. Projects at the Center include TeachCS@CSS, which integrates computational thinking and computer science in all pre-service programs, an online graduate Certificate in Computer Science Education for in-service teachers, the Mobile CSP program, and CSforAll Minnesota. She directs and consults on multiple grants from the National Science Foundation, Google, and Infosys Foundation and is the incoming Chair of the CSTA Board of Directors.