Digi-Atelier: A 24/7 Video-Based Design Tutorial Resource

Material type: Video

Year: 2014

Authored by:

  • Kelly Cobb, Assistant Professor. Fashion and Apparel Studies
  • Funded in part through a CTAL Transformation Grant

Used in course: FASH 233: Fashion Drawing and Rendering, taught in fall and spring.


Digi-Atelier is a 24/7 Video-Based Design Tutorial Resource for Fashion Design Students or Fashion Illustration enthusiasts. The resource consists of a video archive of key design tutorials offered to the students of fashion illustration.

Audiences: K12, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Graduate, Adult and professional


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Sustaining Places

Material type: Web site

Year: 2013-2014

Used in courses:

MSST 607 Fundraising for Museums, Spring 14, Armand Batisti
MSST 603 Museums & Technology, Spring 14, Mike Zarafonetis
MSST 600 – Museums, History & Practice, Fall 13 – Kasey Grier
MSST 601 – Curatorship & Collections Management, Fall 13, Frank McKelvey
MSST 602 – Archives & Paper Collections, Fall 13, Terry Synder
MSST 607 – Education & Interpretation, Spring 13, Rosemary Krill

Authored by:

Kasey Grier, Ph.D., Director, Museum Studies Program
Tracy Jentzsch, Staff Assistant, Museum Studies Program
Stephanie Lampkin, Graduate Assistant, Museum Studies Program
Nicole Belolan, Graduate Assistant, Museum Studies Program
… and many more


Sustaining Places is a collaborative resource project from the Museum Studies Program at the University of Delaware and the Tri-State Coalition of Historic Places. This site is supported by a grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services’ 21st Century Museum Professionals Program. This website collects examples of good ideas and best practices for small historical organizations. The content is produced by and/or curated by our graduate students.

Location: http://sustainingplaces.com/

Architect’s Scale Tutorial

Material type: Simulation

Year: 2007

Authored by:

Becky Kinney


3d image of the end of an architect's scale

Learn how to read an architect’s scale. Tutorial includes instruction, self-tests, a demonstration and a simulated scale with practice lines to measure. Immediate feedback allows students to learn at their own pace, and the practice area provides a way to continue drawing and measuring lines for as long as is necessary.

Primary Audience: Design Students who need to use an architect’s rule


Faculty sponsor: Jules Bruck

Creative Commons License 
This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States

Also listed on: MERLOT


New Methods in the Cleaning of Paintings

Material type: Video lectures

Year: 1991

Used in courses: Undefined

Authored by: Richard Wolbers

Department or Unit: Art Conservation


Richard Wolbers

Richard C. Wolbers is a pioneer in the development of new methods of cleaning painted surfaces. His research on enzymes, soaps and resins has been the basis for developing new techniques using water and waterborne materials to address cleaning problems.

This video course was originally recorded in 1991. The series includes 15 hours of lectures on the underlying principles and processes of this scientific approach to cleaning paintings and painted surfaces. In addition, case studies are examined to illustrate how these techniques can be applied to specific cleaning problems.

List of contents

The course is divided into 9 sessions each with a different topic. Some sessions have approximately one hour of video, others have two hours.

Video 1
Introduction to water-based cleaning methods 1 (2 hours)

  • An overview of grime removal strategies
  • Review of acid/base chemistry, including Arrhenius acids/bases, reversible chemical reactions, buffers and rationale for buffering
  • Case history: nineteenth-century “American Impressionist” landscape

Video 2
Introduction to water-based cleaning methods 2 (2 hours)

  • Range of water-soluble cleaning effects
  • Definitions of surfactant/surfactancy, wetting agents, soaps/detergents, and emulsions/emulsifiers
  • Polar/Nonpolar character of surfactants
  • Surface activity of surfactants
  • Selection criteria for surfactants

Video 3
Introduction to water-based cleaning methods 3 (2 hours)

  • Salts, ion pairs, and relative solubility of certain ionic materials
  • Ionic Strength
  • Chelation effects
  • Resin soaps- examples of tailored surfactant systems
  • Resin chemistry with case histories of Wollstenholmes’ “Hunt Scene” and Jennys’ “Portrait of Mrs. Baldwin”

Video 4
Introduction to water-based cleaning methods 4 (2 hours)

  • Examples of detergent preparations
  • Additional cleaning aids or materials
  • Clearance mechanisms and strategies

Video 5
Enzymes (1 hour)

  • Structure and function of enzymes in nature
  • Enzyme preparations- lipases
  • Case histories of Eichholtz’s “Portrait of Ann Rose Hopkins,” Sandy’s “Miranda,” and Picasso’s “Man with a Guitar”

Video 6
Emulsions 1 (2 hours)

  • Definition of emulsion
  • Hydrophile-Lipophile balance number
  • Case histories of polychrome sculpture of Washington and Peale’s “Still Life with Vegetables”

Video 7
Emulsions 2 (1 hour)

  • Emulsion paint formulations
  • Microemulsions
  • Case history: “Madonna and Child”

Video 8
Solvent Gels 1 (2 hours)

  • Polyacrylic acid (PAA) as an aqueous thickening agent
  • PAA complexes with organic amines
  • Solubility ranges of PAA/amine complexes
  • Solvent gel preparations
  • Case history: American eighteenth-century piecrust table

Video 9
Solvent Gels 2 (1 hour)

  • Case history: cleaning a japanned eighteenth-century tall-case clock

Primary Audience: College students

Location: http://udcapture.udel.edu/misc/cleaningpaintings/

© 1991, 2007 University of Delaware and Joyce Hill Stoner