Interested in exploring open education and open educational resources? Below are listed some of the next generation textbook vendors, open educational resources repositories, and links of interest.
Open Textbooks
- Openstax college
- Saylor Foundation
- Open Textbook Library at the University of Minnesota
- Open Course Library
- US open textbooks
- Noba Project (Psychology)
OER Repositories and Referatories
- Openstax CNX (formerly known as Connexions)
- Merlot
- Affordable Learning Solutions at the California State University
- OER Commons
- OER@AVU (African Virtual University)
- National Repository of Online Courses (K-12 and college mathematics)
- Scottsdale Community College Mathematics OER repository
- TED-Ed
- The Orange Grove
- Project Gutenberg (free ebooks)
- LibriVox (free public domain audio books)
- OER Finding Aids from Tacoma Community College
- Open.Michigan
- Compfight
- OpenLearn at the Open University
- Internet Archive
- Digital Public Library of America
- OER Library Guide at the University of Oklahoma
- MIT Open Courseware
- Medical illustrations from the University of Dundee
- Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning at the University of Texas at Austin
- MIT OCW Educator (Teaching Practices)
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
Larger K-12 Focus
- Learning Registry
- Khan Academy
- Open High School of Utah
- Utah Open Textbook Project
- CK12 Foundation
Open Access Journals
- Public Library of Science (PLoS)
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Other Links of Interest
- The Student PIRGs’ resource list
- Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER)
- Open Courseware Consortium
- College Open Textbooks
- Guide to Finding Interesting Public Domain Works Online
- 2011 ELI Fall Focus OER resource list.
- BCCampus OER
- Alberta OER
- WCET (WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies) OER page
Library-Supported Resource Guides
- University of Delaware
- Delaware State University
- Delaware County Community College
- College of William & Mary
- University of Oklahoma
Search strategies
- Flickr advanced search for Creative Commons images
- Google advanced search with open usage rights
- Youtube