OER Treasure Hunt Worksheet

Material type: Worksheet

Year: 2016

Maintained by:

Mathieu Plourde, IT Academic Technology Services

Used in courses:

Developing Learning Experiences Online (DLEO) – Faculty Development Course offered by IT-ATS


OER Treasure Hunt thumbnail

Google Document used to help faculty members search, vet, and reflect on open educational resources (OER).

Audiences: Instructors, Faculty




Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Social Networking for Educators

Material type: Online course

Year: 2012

Used in courses: EDUC439/639 Social Networking for Educators

Authored by: Mathieu Plourde

Department or Unit: School of Education


EDUC639 Course structureThis class focused first on personal information management practices, and then expanded to include connecting with the right people online, collaborating, and how to use social media and web 2.0 in educational settings. Even if you don’t currently teach, you’ll be able to use the skills developed during the course to become a lifelong learner, and you’ll be in a better position to convince colleagues and stakeholders of the value of social media and web 2.0 for teaching and learning in your unit.

List of contents

  • Introduction
  • Your first digital footprint
  • Online pitfalls and personal productivity
  • Information flow and dashboards
  • From dashboard to PLE
  • The brand called “you”
  • DIY Learning
  • LMS, Edupunk, and the Open Learning Network
  • Copyright and fair use in the digital age
  • Digital storytelling

Primary Audience: Graduate School, Professional

Location: https://sites.udel.edu/openteaching

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Also listed on: MERLOT