Migritude, written by Shailja Patel, is a migrating story of a girl who moves from Kenya to the United States. The book includes political history, family history, poetry, and news coverage. Shailja was born in an Indian family in Kenya, and the story begins with traditional Indian jewelry as Shailja’s trousseau. In the story, Shailja portrays ruthless conflicts between Kenya and British and sympathizes the suffering of Kenyans during the conflicts. Shailja also recollects her own laborious experiences while studying and living in Britain and the U.S. alone. Through Mother’s Voice, Shailja shows the silent and infinite love from her family. With fortitude and ambition, Shaija brings her trousseau, especially saris, to narrate and perform her journeys, culture, and immigrant experiences across three continents on the stage of the United States.
Huilin Qi ’19