
What We Do

Moving Fictions is a site dedicated to celebrating, researching and encouraging public discussions of modern literature about migration. The texts we assemble here reflect larger stories about the difficult internal and external conflicts that accompany movement. In exploring the experiences of migrants, immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, these fictions represent the complex realities of thousands of people who must relocate, rebuild, and recreate their lives. We invite you to learn more about the phenomenon of migration on our Key Terms page.

Site History and Participants

This website was created in 2018 by a World Literature class at the University of Delaware. As a class, we loved the topic and were inspired to share our findings with the world. We hope this site sparks discussion about the experiences of displaced peoples and encourages you to engage with this topic.

A group of Honors students oversaw the website’s initial design process and were tasked with reviewing and editing the content published during the Fall 2018 semester. Those students were Alex Baker, Brynn Chieffo, Nicole Kushner, Rachel Milberg, and Shannon Murphy.

The project continued in the Spring 2019 semester. Honors students for this class updated the theme (Jessica Jenkins), supervised the addition of nineteen new books to the site (Sydney Gualtieri and John Quigley), and added the Key Terms section (Sydney Gualtieri and Gregory Zankowsky). Hunter Southall deserves enormous credit for developing a comprehensive style guide for the site.

We are grateful for the expert guidance of University of Delaware librarians, especially Aimee Gee, the Literary Studies librarian, and Nico Carver (now at Harvard’s Wolbach Library) and Amanda McCollom from the Student Multimedia Design Center.

Professor Emily S. Davis taught the courses and is supervising ongoing work with the Moving Fictions project.

Each page of the site lists the student author at the bottom.

Recommend a Text

We continue to add in-depth material on new texts to the site, and we are also happy to add texts to our Similar Reads page. To recommend a text, contact Professor Davis at edavis@udel.edu.






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