Persistence through the Ph.D.

Persistence through the Ph.D.

Dedication to mentoring others leads to success

Asia Dowtin’s Ph.D. research examined rainfall in five woodland sites from Wilmington, Delaware, to Fair Hill, Maryland.

Looking back on her graduate student career at University of Delaware, Asia Dowtin sees two themes that enabled her success: persistence and community engagement.

Early in her work here, she had to overcome a switch in advisers, and the research that would underpin her Ph.D. studies almost ended before it began. But for the entire six years she spent studying the hydrology of urban forests, Dowtin surmounted the obstacles and actively worked to engage younger students, both undergraduates and K-12, in the work she loves. That student engagement was one of the factors that helped her land a tenure-track faculty position at Michigan State University starting this summer.

Dowtin and her adviser, Department of Geography Chair Del Levia, Professor of Ecohydrology, collaborated on a piece published in Science today, June 8, that addresses some of the challenges she faced, including the way her doctoral research was imperiled by a non-uniformed officer in an unmarked car stopping her and two undergraduate assistants in the forest in Wilmington, Delaware’s Rockford Park on the first day of her fieldwork. Dowtin’s attempts to address the unexpected concerns from officials garnered no response, and the research was in question until Levia stepped in.

The incident was such a turning point for Dowtin’s work and the way the two of them work together that they thought it could be beneficial to share with their scholarly community. Levia thought it would be good to share how Dowtin was able to persevere with the support of the mentor-mentee relationship the two of them had built on common vision and open communication.

“The ‘Working Life’ section of Science is of critical importance as it provides a beacon of hope for many in science,” Levia said. “It is a place where people can go to learn about the experiences of others and to benefit from them.”

When he brought the idea for a “Working Life” story to Dowtin, she agreed.

“I also wanted to highlight the fact that students of color do face these challenges,” Dowtin said, adding that she wants to help advisers from different backgrounds realize they need to listen to their graduate students’ experiences or even draw them out when they notice students may be struggling. “There are going to be a bunch of challenges that come at you regardless of what you look like, and there are going to be challenges that come at you because of what you look like.”

Asia Dowtin’s research took her to woodland sites in Delaware and Maryland.

Dowtin’s time at UD’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment was defined by both her persistence and the way she proactively worked for an inclusive community and provided opportunities for younger students.

Her research involved more than 150 collectors and gauges spread across five sites in two states, from Fair Hill in Maryland to Alapocas Woods in Wilmington. There was no way she could collect all the data herself, but that was an opportunity, not a problem. Over two and a half years, Dowtin had 17 undergraduates from four UD colleges help with data collection, and those students received course credits, with some even using data for their own research.

Beyond incorporating undergraduates in her research, Dowtin also embraced many opportunities to mentor high schoolers during her time at UD. She led students in the Delaware Chapter of the Nature Conservancy’s Leaders in Environmental Action for the Future program in a project mapping the trails behind the Delaware Museum of Natural History. She spoke at elementary schools and public libraries.

And nearly every summer she was at UD, Dowtin brought teenagers from the city of Wilmington’s Green Jobs program to campus, teaching them about topics like forest hydrology and urban forestry, but also just making a point to get them to the University, to emphasize that UD is for Delawareans, including them.

“I feel a personal obligation to make sure that as I come up in this academic world that I help people up who look like me,” Dowtin said. “It is important to me to be a role model for black and brown kids. There are not a lot of people of color in this department or this field.”

Dowtin said her experience reaching into the community and working with undergraduates were attractive to Michigan State, where her new position as assistant professor in urban and community forestry combines teaching, research and extension work, in which she will help community members address urban forestry problems and opportunities in East Lansing and Detroit.

“This job is literally the fulfillment of dreams I had kept to myself for many years,” Dowtin said. “None of this would have been possible if I hadn’t had all of the experiences I did here, the good and the bad.”

Del Levia (left) congratulates his Ph.D. student Asia Dowtin during the College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment’s Honors Day ceremony this spring.


 Photos by Judy Rolfe and Leah Dodd | 

Success grants financial literacy

Success grants financial literacy

Program offers financial support, literacy programming.

Success grants financial literacy

Senior Sarah Bencivenga was one of many students awarded a Blue Hen Success Grant, which made all the difference in keeping alive her dream for a UD diploma.

It didn’t take long for Sarah Bencivenga to know the University of Delaware was the right fit for her. The Toms River, New Jersey, native was recruited in 2013 to play softball, and by sophomore year, her bio had already included selection to the Dean’s List, Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) All-Rookie team, the CAA Academic Honor Roll and the All-CAA Second Team.

“This was where I wanted to be,” said Bencivenga.

Then Bencivenga got an offer for a softball scholarship at Florida Atlantic University that was too good to pass up, so she transferred. UD was always tugging at her heart, though, and by her senior year at FAU, she realized how much she missed the University’s high-quality academics and yearned to complete her degree as a Blue Hen.

“It wasn’t until I was in Florida that I recognized the value of the education at UD,” Bencivenga said.

She transferred back to campus, which meant having to work hard to catch up on credits—and the costs that came with them. She was close to the finish line, but not having an athletic scholarship, she didn’t know how she would fill the gap financially and graduate.

“I am financially independent and all I had was some money saved up from jobs I held during high school and breaks,” Bencivenga said. “My first semester back at UD, I was taking 17 credits and working to pay expenses. With the combination of savings and my current job, I was able to make it work, but knew that my savings would be exhausted and the next semester may not be possible.”

She then discovered the University’s Blue Hen Success Grant. She applied and got the award, which made all the difference in keeping alive her dream for a UD diploma.

“I’m not sure how I would be graduating this spring from UD without the Blue Hen Success Grant,” Bencivenga said, who will finish in May with degrees in psychology and interpersonal communications.

The Blue Hen Success Grant program provides small awards, ranging from $300 to $3,000, to eligible students like Bencivenga who are nearing graduation but facing minor shortfalls in paying their tuition or fees. Also known as a retention grant, it provides emergency funding so that financial circumstances do not become barriers to graduation.

“The Blue Hen Success Grant program speaks volumes to the direction, purpose and responsibility the University takes to ensure students graduate,” said Carla Lord-Powalski, coordinator of the program, which is managed by the Student Financial Services office.

Give a man a fish, says the well-known proverb, and you have fed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you have fed him for a lifetime. In that spirit, the Blue Hen Success Grants program serves as a resource for developing lifelong financial skills. Prior to getting a grant, students must take a free course on budgeting and responsible spending. The program also guides students to the myriad scholarships available and offers workshops throughout the year aimed at increasing students’ fiscal knowledge and responsibility during their academic career and after graduation.

In partnership with various departments and groups on campus, Powalski has counseled over 550 students since the program launched in February 2017. Nearly 30 students have been awarded grants totaling $48,586, keeping them on the path to graduation. Powalksi is also partnering with the University’s Office of Development and Alumni Relations to encourage donations to the program. To date, 337 donors have contributed over $73,000, allowing Blue Hen Success Grants to expand its efforts.

“UD has given me all the tools I need to positively impact the lives of others,” Bencivenga said. “My education and experience will be lasting. Something significant will come from this work.”

 | Photo by Evan Krape | 

Financial Literacy Month events

The Blue Hen Success Grants program will be hosting the following special events for students in April in recognition of Financial Literacy Month.

Financial Wellness Fair: Tuesday, April 10, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., in the Gallery of the Perkins Student Center. Students will enjoy games, food and entertainment as they visit kiosks to learn financial skills. Participants will be able to check loan balances and repayment options, learn what their credit score means and how to improve it, and receive budgeting tools. Experts from Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics, Stand By Me, and Sallie Mae will be on hand to present tips and information. Participating students will be given a financial literacy passport, which comes with a chance to win prizes including a Dell laptop, $100 Visa gift card, ice skating passes, bookstore swag and more.

Financial Literacy Mini-Series: Monday, April 23, and Wednesday, April 25, in the Student Financial Services Building lobby. Morning sessions are at 10 a.m.; afternoon sessions are at 12:30 p.m. Students will be introduced to Cash Course, a free online money management resource. Students who complete at least one online activity will be eligible to win a $25 Visa gift card. Refreshments will be provided.

Grad Fair: Wednesday through Friday, April 18-20, from 11 a.m.-3 p.m., at the Barnes and Noble UD Bookstore, 83 East Main St. Graduating students will receive information and tools on student loan repayment. Each student who meets with Carla Lord-Powalksi and completes a short quiz will be eligible to win a $50 Visa gift card.

Combating Food Waste

Combating Food Waste

UD students, faculty and Dining Services pitch in to fight waste, hunger.

Food waste is an extremely frustrating concept. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, approximately 40 percent of food in the U.S. is never eaten; simultaneously, one in eight Americans struggles to put enough food on the table.

The state of Delaware is no exception, so University of Delaware students, faculty and staff are pitching in to combat food waste. We highlight their efforts during National Nutrition Month and its 2018 theme “Go Further with Food.”

UD students

Junior Lauren Burkett (left) and senior Kristen Mathieson (right) are members of Nutrition and Dietetics Club at UD.

The student-run Nutrition and Dietetics Club at UD is educating the Newark and surrounding communities on food waste and insecurity.

“Making people aware of food waste is the first step in preventing it,” said UD senior Sarah Russel. “I personally decided to get involved with the club to extend my knowledge outside of class and into the Delaware community.”

The group will set up shop at Trabant Kiosk A throughout the month of March, providing education on topics such as smarter grocery buying, planning leftovers and portion sizes.

The Food Recovery Network, another student-run organization, carries the goal of reducing food waste by collecting excess food from the dining halls and donating the food to local food pantries. The students hold multiple food drives each semester; for Thanksgiving, these Blue Hens collected more than 200 pounds of canned goods.

“Food insecurity and food waste are major issues in our country and across the world,” said sophomore dietetics student Nicole Boylan. “These issues overlap with nutrition as an inability to access food and maintain an adequate diet can lead to nutritional deficiencies and many other health issues.”

UD faculty

Behavioral Health & Nutrition (BHAN) instructor Kristin Wiens teaches Sustainability and Food, a course that discusses strategies to shrink your personal food footprint such as reducing food and packaging waste. In the Food & Nutrition Education Lab in Willard Hall, Wiens lays out leftover food and items close to their “use by” date for the students to take home.

When The Tower at STAR Campus opens this fall, Wiens will help run the Demonstration Kitchen — a unique experiential learning space that doubles as a catering kitchen. In addition to classes, the space will host community members for sessions on topics like sustainability.

Wiens is also working with the Mike Popovich (College of Agriculture & Natural Resources) on the UD Farm. In addition to sourcing ingredients from the farm for classes, Wiens and Popovich collaborate on a farm-to-table healthy recipe video series showcasing seasonal produce grown on campus.

“We have people who are hungry. We have extra food. But the two things aren’t connecting to help solve the problem,” Wiens said.

BHAN adjunct professor Jennifer Linton is extremely active in nonprofit circles, working with groups like the Salvation Army’s soup kitchen. A few years ago, she started calling restaurants to ask about their excess food. Most said they threw food away out of fear of being sued. Concerned about this issue, Linton began investigating federal legislation and discovered the Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act; it encourages donation of excess food to non-profit organizations for distribution to individuals in need and protects organizations from liability when donating to a non-profit. The Federal Food Donation Act of 2008 later built on this legislation, encouraging federal agencies to donate excess food.

Many large organizations have systems in place to put excess food to good use compared to smaller entities. For example, Sam’s Club works with Feeding America to rescue food from stores and redirect it to families facing hunger.

“Most businesses don’t know about these laws, know who to give to, or even consider donating,” said Linton.

Linton points to educating business owners on the donation legislation and looking at how other countries and cities are addressing the food waste issue.

France passed a law in 2016 that, if a store throws out food, it can be prosecuted. According to a recent NPR story, stores can be fined $4,500 for each infraction. While the law has gone through growing pains towards effectiveness, Linton said it’s an important step in the right direction.

She would also like to see the establishment of organizations like Philabundance in Delaware.

Philabundance, Linton said, is “doing everything to combat food waste including gleaning (harvesting leftover crops and produce from fields and orchards). As individuals we can do our part to help prevent food waste — not over-purchasing food and donating excess food to local pantries.”

UD Dining Services

UD Dining Services is combating food waste via its sustainability platform “Green Thread.” In partnership with Aramark, it weaves waste minimization into Dining Services across all 16 on-campus dining locations.

“As we help to minimize food waste, there are efforts our guests can take like being mindful of portion sizes and only filling your plate with amounts that are right for you,” said Debra Miller, Dining Services’ registered dietician.

Each semester, Dining Services partners with the Food Recovery Network. Since last spring semester, over 500 pounds of unused food has been recovered and donated to local, community food pantries.

UD Dining Services reduces, reuses and recycles throughout the food production and service processes. Examples include:

  • The Caesar Rodney Dining Fresh Food Company breaks down and diverts food waste from landfills through two mechanical bio-digesters, averting potent greenhouse gas emissions
  • All locations participate in the University’s single-stream recycling program, as well as Recyclemania
  • Perishable food is donated to the Food Bank of Delaware
  • Dining locations collect and recycle used cooking oil

About Community Engagement

The University of Delaware cultivates civic-minded, engaged citizens through partnerships that impact communities’ needs. Community-based experiences are woven into UD’s teaching, research and service activities where students, faculty and staff apply knowledge and creativity to the critical challenges facing communities — in Delaware and around the world. In 2015, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching recognized this commitment, designating UD as a community engaged university, an honor awarded to less than 10% of U.S. colleges and universities.

UDaily Article by Dante LaPenta | Photos by Kathy F. Atkinson | Courtesy of Jennifer Linton and UD Dining Services | March 21, 2018

Flint Rising: A Call to Protect Our Water and Our Human Rights

Flint Rising: A Call to Protect Our Water and Our Human Rights

featuring Gina Luster, Co-founder of Flint Rising

Wednesday, April 11, 2018 @ 6:00pm

University of Delaware, Memorial Hall, Room 127

Residents of Flint, Michigan, are living with poisoned water in a crisis that has riveted the nation and exposed the deadly consequences of political failure, environmental racism, and indifference to the suffering of low-income communities.

Come hear Gina Luster, a grassroots organizer and co-founder of Flint Rising, a coalition of residents, community groups, labor, and progressive allies that formed in response to Flint’s emergency declaration.

Gina has been featured on PBS NOVA, Netflix, and Norman Lear’s American Divided, speaking out about the problems with Flint’s water and with Michigan’s Emergency Management of local governments.

The Flint Rising Coalition, through resident-to-resident contact and extensive community conversations, addresses the critical health, infrastructure and economic impacts of Flint’s water disaster.

This speaker works to ensure that directly impacted people are building the organizing infrastructure and leadership necessary for this long-haul fight for justice.

Hosted by the Department of Africana Studies Sponsors:

  • Black Student Union
  • Center for Black Culture
  • Delaware Environmental Institute
  • Vice Provost for Diversity
  • Delaware Concerned Residents for Environmental Justice

Printable flyer >>

Breaking Barriers

Breaking Barriers

Celebrating William Majett Jr.

As the University of Delaware’s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics celebrates the 100-year anniversary of business education at UD, the Breaking Barriers blog series tells the stories of the first individuals from underrepresented groups to join the Lerner College in key roles.

William Majett Jr., who graduated from the Lerner College in 1965 as UD’s first African-American business graduate, blazed a trail for generations of students after him. In this interview, we learn more about William’s story in his own words:

What made you decide to attend UD and major in business?

I always was interested in business. I grew up on Bennett Street on Wilmington’s East Side, about 10 blocks from downtown Wilmington. When I went to the corner of 10th and Bennett streets, I could look up and see the downtown buildings, and I was always impressed by that. I would go uptown; I would walk around and look, see the people going into the office buildings, working in the offices.

Coming from the East Side, we didn’t have, at that time, many Black folk working in offices. We were mostly laborers or blue collar. But I was always interested in working in an office and going into business.

After graduating from high school I applied to several colleges… but the University of Delaware came through with a Delaware Right to Education grant. So that was really the main reason why I chose the University, because of the financial package that they offered.

Read more  | Article by Sunny Rosen

Diversity Grants Awarded for Collaborative Projects

Diversity Grants Awarded for Collaborative Projects

Collaborative projects focus on equity, inclusion in education

A research project highlighting residents’ stories from the historical exhibit “Wilmington, 1968” and a study examining the emotional and cultural intelligence of prospective teachers have been awarded University of Delaware grants.

The awards from the College of Arts and Sciences’ Center for the Study of Diversity and the College of Education and Human Development’s Delaware Center for Teacher Education were made under the centers’ 2018 Collaborative Grant Program.

The collaboration was developed to help support the work of teacher preparation faculty or instructional staff interested in exploring a line of inquiry, climate-related issue or curriculum innovation focused on promoting equity, diversity and inclusion for education stakeholders.

The 2018 grant recipients are:

  • Deborah Bieler, associate professor of English, Melva Ware, adjunct faculty member in the School of Public Policy and Administration, and Angela Winand, affiliated assistant professor of history, for the project “Delaware Historical Society and UD English Education Freedom Schools Partnership.” English education students, in collaboration with the Mitchell Center for African American Heritage, will develop and implement a curriculum for Freedom School Scholars to conduct an oral history project. Teams of middle and high school students will research “Wilmington 1968” and focus on the stories of residents.
  • Tia N. Barnes and Bridgette Johnson, both assistant professors of human development and family sciences, for “Examining the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, and Teacher Candidates’ Self-Efficacy in Delivering Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices.” They will study Early Childhood Education (ECE) teacher candidates’ emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence and self-efficacy in using culturally responsive practices in teaching social emotional competencies. They will collect online surveys from current juniors and seniors in the ECE program this spring semester.

The collaborative grants program aims to facilitate a wider understanding of the social and academic impacts of diversity and to inform and support equitable practices within the teacher preparation community.

Applicants for the grants were encouraged to make connections between their proposals and specific aspects of campus climate mentioned in the “Inclusive Excellence: Action Plan for Diversity at UD” and/or President Dennis Assanis’ strategic principle of “Building an Environment of Inclusive Excellence.”