- CTAL “Documenting Your Teaching” webpage
- Suggestions on items to include in your portfolio
- CTAL podcasts on Promotion & Tenure from April 2017 and February 2018
- Link to Faculty Handbook: Promotion & Tenure chapter
- Link to Departmental P&T documents
- Link to Suggestions for Continuing Track Faculty
- University of Calgary Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning: A Guide to Providing Evidence of Teaching
- February Friday Roundtable: Documenting Your Teaching for Promotion and Tenure: Friday, February 15, 2019, 3:30-5 PM in 208 Gore Hall. Register.
Monthly Archives: December 2018
Quick Tips for preparing your Promotion Dossier in UDAcademe
- Review the “Introduction to Promotion Tenure Faculty Input Guide (online)” tutorial in ConnectingU
- Update Your Profile section, including, degree; membership; current appointment and prior work history information
- Review your Activities section:
- Update your Service information
- Check the Teaching (Course Information) and Scholarly Contributions (Publications/Grants) sections
- Attach your updated CV, and delete previous documents, in the “Most Recent Full Curriculum Vita” sectionEnsure that the following documents (PDF documents preferred) are ready for upload at the time of dossier submission:
- Most recent College and Department P&T policies
- Letter requesting promotion
- 2 and/or 4 year reviews (Department Committee and Chair Reviews)
- Send your dossier queries to udacademe@udel.edu
Fall 2018 CT Dossier Workshop
Fall 2018 CT Dossier Workshop
This workshop is designed with four stations. Please feel free to travel among the stations. We hope to create a collaborative environment where you can ask questions and offer advice to others as well.
Each station leader has planned a few tips to share. There will be at least one CT Dossier to see at each station. Other than that, please plan to ask questions.
Station 1: Creating an Organized and Readable Dossier
Agnes Ly, Associate Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences (aly@udel.edu). Please contact Agnes if you want to see her dossier.
Station 2: Documenting Service Activities and their Impact
Sue Barton, Professor, Plant and Soil Sciences (sbarton@udel.edu)
Erin Brannick, Associate Professor, Animal and Food Sciences (brannick@udel.edu)
Station 3: Documenting Your Teaching Effectiveness
Hannah Kim, Associate Professor, History (hkim@udel.edu)
Kevin Guidry, CTAL (krguidry@udel.edu)
Station 4: Fun with UDAcademe
Sunaina Soares, Academic HR Manager (UDAcademe Administrator) (ssoares@udel.edu)
Josh Enszer, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering (enszer@udel.edu)
UDAcademe questions: udacademe@udel.edu