Canvas Faculty Continuity FAQ

Faculty have asked many great questions about Canvas in the quick migration to online course delivery.  Find answers to some frequently asked questions we have encountered below, organized by topic.  If you do not find an answer to your question, visit us by Zoom in...

Check your Canvas Analytics

Canvas Analytics helps identify student participationThe new Canvas Analytics provides tools for tracking student data including grades and weekly online activity. The Analytics tool provides better analytics for tracking student data using interactive charts and...

Canvas@UD Newsletter | January 2020 Edition

Below is a text-only version of the January 2020 Edition of the Canvas@UD Newsletter FEBRUARY/MARCH EDITION Featured Article: Revising Your Canvas Course For Migrated UDCapture Space Content Accessibility Article: Providing a Description for Images What’s New...

Spring 2020 Course Creation

Spring 2020 course creation is available in the Course Creation Tool ( now. To comply with the FERPA regulations, only the course sections that are combined in UDSIS can be combined in Canvas. Therefore, if you check...